Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Cooking Up the Tuesday 4

Hi.. welcome back to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4.

1. When did you learn to cook?  I'm sure I did some cooking during my jr. high years, but things got serious when I was in high school. Like most teens, I hated washing dishes and complained about it mightily. One day I asked my dad why I had to do them every day and he said Mom made dinner every night so I had to do the dishes. I took that to mean that whoever did the cooking didn't have to do the dishes and after confirming it with my dad I took over the lion's share of the cooking until I left for college. I used magazines, cookbooks, family recipes...and taught myself.

2.  How often in the week do you cook? Order in? Go out?  When I was working we probably ate out or got take-out 4 times a week, sometimes more. Now that I'm not working I'm trying to get away from doing that. When we do get something we usually get take-out because Tim's tired after work and doesn't feel like getting cleaned up and going out...and also because I don't really enjoy going out to dinner with him because he has a very hard time hearing when there is a lot of background noise so conversation is difficult.

3.  Which foods are absolutely necessary at a cookout?  Watermelon, potato salad, pasta salad, hotdogs...other than that I'm pretty flexible. 

4.  Do you have a meal you are especially good at making? or that people often request for you to make?  People love my meatloaf, which is basically the recipe from an old Betty Crocker cookbook (newer editions do not have the same recipe), but I make a lot of stuff the family likes. I am the most adventurous cook in the family and I've been called the best. I got the highest compliment ever from my dad. He never, ever told my mom anything she made was good. She'd ask and all he ever said was, "I ate it didn't I?" The only person I ever heard him compliment was my mother's mother (and that was saying something because he didn't like her). I hosted the family Christmas the year we got married and made the whole dinner myself and I went all out and I heard Dad telling someone "the girl can cook." High praise, indeed!


  1. Hi Stacy. These posts are always fun and interesting. I am a pretty good cook, but I don't enjoy it - too much of a mess and I am usually tired after work. I try to cook more on the weekend, and I try to make Sunday dinner especially nice, and make something Charly and Josh will enjoy. I hope you are having a good week.

  2. Enjoyed your answers Stacy. Have a great day.

  3. I love your stories about your Dad. I cook pretty well but I don't really like cooking or doing dishes either! I kind of envy the people who love cooking!

  4. I love that about you taking over so you wouldn't have to do the dishes. Very smart! I agree with your cookout items. I had forgotten about my meatloaf because I haven't made it in a while but the family always wanted that. I hated when my mom made meatloaf yet my kids loved when I would make it. Now that was a wonderful praise from your dad!!!

  5. The girl can cook! I love that!! What a fun story to carry in your heart! Fun questions this week! I enjoyed your answers. xo

  6. That comment from your dad must hold a special place in your heart. My dad said that about my tacos. He did say my mom was a great cook. You have to share your meatloaf recipe!

  7. I enjoyed your answers. I laughed at your first one. My dad was the same way...if he gave out a compliment you saved it because he didn't do it often.

  8. Getting that compliment would have blown me away!


Saturday 9: Flowers

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it   here .   1) In this song, Miley Cyrus sings about gold as though it represents the best. Do ...