Saturday, April 16, 2022

Saturday 9: This Is the Way the Bunny Hops

Saturday 9: This Is the Way the Bunny Hops
(From the archives)
Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

Thanks to Sam at Saturday 9 for providing the music and questions each week.

1) Why do you suppose there are so many songs about Santa Claus, yet very few about the Easter Bunny?  I'm guessing people are more inspired by Santa Claus because he brings the presents. The Bunny's offerings are meager by comparison. It's too bad we don't have a whole lot more songs about Jesus on both holidays.

2) This song was written by The Kiboomers, two early education teachers who are passionate about the power of music to help kids learn. Tell us about a teacher who had an impact on your life.  Dr. Feather was  a total character, but a very smart man who taught earth science and astronomy at my high school. He wrote a text book (and used my class as his guinea pigs) and went on to teach at the college level. He inspired my love of astronomy, but he also showed me I was capable of understanding and using complicated math (calculus) when it served a real purpose rather than being the awful made up problems in a book. I did so well using calculus to find the distance to stars that I tutored others. That was a first.

3) Legend has it that the Easter Bunny was introduced to America in the 1700s by German immigrants. These children waited for a magic creature who left colored eggs. Today's kids dye Easter eggs themselvesWhen did you most recently color eggs?  I don't know for sure, but I think a few years ago with the grandchildren.

4) The Easter Bunny is usually shown carrying a wicker basket filled with eggs, toys and candy. Is there any wicker in the room you're in right now?  Just the basket the dog toys are in.

5) While marshmallow Peeps are manufactured all year around, they are most popular at Easter. Do you prefer the chicks or the bunnies?  I prefer not to be subjected to either one...nasty, sticky things.

6) A little time in the microwave can do ugly things to a Peep. Have you ever nuked a Peep?  No, because I never have Peeps in the house.
7) Would you prefer a hollow or a solid chocolate bunny?  Solid. Hollow bunnies are a cruel joke...and while I like chocolate bunnies, I prefer my bunnies to be white chocolate.

8) A traditional American Easter dinner usually includes glazed ham or roast lamb. Which would you rather have as your main course?  I'd rather have ham. Actually, I wanted to make manicotti this year, but my daughter's family would rather have the ham so we will keep the troops happy.
9) Easter is considered the season of rebirth. What makes you feel refreshed or rejuvenated?  A good night's sleep, exercise, my favorite music, or spending some time in prayer and Bible study.


  1. Hi Stacy - you and your family have a very Happy Easter! Jesus lives!

  2. #4 I have my boxes of tea in my wicker basket.
    #7 I never had a white chocolate Easter bunny

  3. Oh, manicotti would be DIVINE right now! Actually, any pasta. I had a tooth pulled yesterday and I think a gooey, cheesey holiday dinner may be in order. Thanks for the suggestion!

  4. I loveeeeeeeeeeeeee Peeps as did Liam...but I have not bought any ---I just can't bear to eat them right now...anyways, I agree with #1 all the way.

    Hope you have a beautiful day friend. smiles

  5. There are a lot of songs about Jesus for the Christmas and Easter seasons, but they are only played in church I think. My favorite Easter song is Jesus is Alive by Ron Kenoly. I Loved your answers! Have a blessed Easter weekend. _Jesus Is Alive

  6. A white Easter rabbit would be much better for my stomach; chocolate seems to really set off my digestive issues. But I am not expecting any Easter presents this year.

  7. Manicotti sounds great to me! I miss the old Easter hymns I grew up with at church like Christ the Lord is Risen today and Were You there when they Crucified my Lord. We are coloring eggs today. Have a blessed Easter Sunday!

  8. We are having pasta for our main meal, I'm looking forward to the easy clean up.

  9. I love thinking of hollow chocolate as a cruel joke!

  10. Happy Easter, Stacy!! Seems we all feel the same about peeps and hollow bunnies! Christ is risen! Alleluia!!


Saturday 9: Flowers

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it   here .   1) In this song, Miley Cyrus sings about gold as though it represents the best. Do ...