Friday, April 1, 2022

Likes & Dislikes #8

Things I like...

... pina coladas ...

... getting caught in the rain ...

Wait. That's a song. True, but a song. 

Trying again...

... fresh steamed seafood ...

... sheets and towels dried outside on the line ... 

... pushing the grands on the swings ...

... the days getting longer ...

... sitting out on the porch swing ...

... sunlight streaming through a beautiful stained-glass window ...

... Oreos with chocolate middles ...

And things I don't...

...  the tiny black ants that have invaded the bathroom with the warmer temps ...

... awkward silence ...

... being the new person in a group ...

... buying something and seeing it on sale not long after ...

... dusting ...

... revealing my feet for the first pedicure of the season ...

...  18 year old waitresses that call me "hon" ...

... picking up the salt and pepper at a restaurant and the shaker is greasy ...

... secrets, I'll admit they drive me nuts ...

... people who are negative about EVERYTHING ...


  1. Pina Coladas are yummy. I haven't had one in ages.
    Those tiny black ants might be Banded Sugar Ants. We get them in the kitchen occasionally. Which means we have to hunt down their hidey hole and reseal it. "I think" we finally fixed that problem.
    Good list.
    Blessings. xx

  2. LOL!!! The 18 year old waitress - that made me laugh!!!
    Loving little sweetie's boots!
    NOOOO - not ants already!!!!
    I'm totally singing it now... if you like Pina coladassss

  3. I won't touch the salt and pepper without a napkin. That was even before Covid! I will get a virgin Pina Colada once in awhile when on vacation at my son's timeshare. I would rather have the carbs from fries than a drink! I posted pictures of our getaway at my blog from northern California. Have a great weekend!

  4. Yum on those Oreos!! Gosh. Hon is better than M'am!! That little cutie on the swing!! What fun!!

  5. Love your likes and agree with your dislikes. You get a lot of "hon", "Sweetie", "Sugar", etc., from waitresses here in the south. Mostly I just go with the flo, but there have been a few times I just wanted to tell them to please go hon and sweetie somewhere else. LOL. I have a friend who brings her own salt and pepper shakers to restaurants in a little ziploc baggie along with her scented hand wash. I'm afraid I'm just not quite that big of a germphobe but I do carry regular handwash in my purse...and I do use it. But please don't give me that highly scented stuff...after using that I can't even stand to get my hands near my nose! LOL. Especially at the table. That's like using scented candles on the dinner table...another no-no. Oh well, those are my pet peeves. LOL. I do love swinging in my swing. And if I had a little grandchild, I'd love to push her/him in a swing too. Your little cutie is precious!!! have a happy weekend.

  6. I've never had a pina colada, but I do love stained glass windows and just about everything else on your "like" list. I agree with your dislike list too - especially the last one. Hope you have a good weekend. See you again soon!



The weather... is hovering right at freezing with some light rain and snow due before morning. ☃ Reading... nothing. I just haven't ha...