Friday, May 6, 2022

Saturday 9: Your Mother Should Know

Saturday 9: Your Mother Should Know (1967)

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) This week's featured artists, The Beatles, invite us to get up and dance to a song that was a hit before your mother was born. Do you enjoy the oldies? How old must a song be before you consider it "old?"  I like the term "classics" better than oldies, but yes, I like them...all the way back to the Big Band sound. How old before a song is old? While I refuse to think of the music I grew up with as "oldies" (especially since the younger generation still listens to it) the classic radio station likes to remind me they are and even the music of the 90's is showing up these days.

2) Paul McCartney knew bandmate John Lennon's mom, Julia, and credits her with introducing him to the ukulele. Do you recall any of your childhood friends' mothers with fondness?  My high school bestie's mom was my second mom and I adored her. She was the complete opposite of my mom...loud, fun, and unconcerned with what other people thought. She was a blast, but she always took care of us and she made the best pizza.
3) Paul's own mother, Mary, tried to instill in her son a sense of pride in his appearance and saw to it he always left the house in a clean, ironed shirt. Paul says that, to this day, when he smells fresh laundry, he thinks of his mum. Is there a scent or sound that reminds you of someone you love who is no longer with us?  The smell of Dove or Camay soap is the one I identify with my paternal grandmother. Do they even make Camay anymore? I haven't smelled it in ages. I know White Diamonds perfume will remind me of my mom when she is gone. She loves the stuff...the rest of us, not so much. Everything that comes out of her house smells like it and has to be washed several times to get rid of the smell. My daughter calls it "old lady smell." Mom is unaware of our aversion to White Diamonds.

4) George Harrison was the only member of the band to have any formal musical training. His mother, Louise, supported her son's musical ambitions and made sure he got guitar lessons. Did you take music classes as a child?  Nope. I have no talent or ability so it would have been a waste of money. I was forced to play the handbells when I attended a private school (it was mandatory for all the girls). I only managed by counting notes. I can't read music or tell one note from another.

5) Ringo Starr was a sickly and often hospitalized little boy. His mother, Elsie, took a job as a barmaid so she could work at night, leaving her days free during visiting hours. When were you most recently in a hospital? Were you an admitted patient, there for an outpatient procedure, or visiting someone?  I had a sonogram last week. Does that count?

6) Mother Winters always gave our own Crazy Sam peppermint tea to calm her stomach. Do you have any tried-and-true home remedies to share?  A few drops of peppermint oil, lavender oil, and frankincense on a cotton ball then dabbed on the forehead, temples, nape of neck, and chin will cure a headache. Sometimes frankincense works on its own. If you can stand the taste and smell, clove oil helps with a toothache when dabbed on the offending spot. Sucking on a peppermint can help settle your stomach if you get car sick.

7) Sam's mother always tips 15% in restaurants. Sam has worked in food service and is more judgmental, tipping between 10% and 25%, depending on the quality of the service. What's your tipping policy?  It's a sliding rule based on the service. Don't ignore me the whole time and then expect a big tip.
8) Sam's mother still gets the Sunday paper because of the sales fliers. She makes separate lists for each store, picking up grocery and household items where she knows they are on sale. Sam thinks her mother's strategy is a waste of time and gas and prefers one-stop shopping (even better, online one-stop shopping). Are you more like mother or daughter?  I will go to more than one store if needed to get the most out of my money. I used to be like Sam's mom and I clipped coupons and actually did shave quite a bit off the total. Covid killed coupons, but I usually know which store has the best quality of certain things and the best price.

9) Sam is celebrating Mother's Day with her mother's favorite, Hershey Bars. Would you prefer classic milk chocolate, dark chocolate or chocolate with almonds?  As with my music, make it classic.

Thanks to Sam for the music and questions.

Join in the fun here.

Happy Mother's Day to all the ladies! Whether you have children or not, women are the nurturers and care-givers. Mothering is what we do.


  1. I had to laugh about the "old lady smell" I am allergic to most perfumes. I use essential oils if I want a fragrance. Happy Mother's Day Stacy!!!

  2. #8 -- I think that covid made the drugstore chains more competitive. Walgreens will give me extra rewards if I spend $X on my next visit. CVS will give me XX% off. I find those coupons on the register receipt all the time.

  3. I'm giggling about the White Shoulders. Back when my son was a baby and we didn't have 2 spare dimes, my husband knew I longed for a bottle of White Shoulders -- and somehow managed to buy me one. I guess it was a chemical reaction, but when it came in contact with my skin I smelled like a damp dishrag left out too long. Ugh!

  4. I think an ultrasound counts. Hope all is well :)

  5. Peppermint oil is great for pain. I forget to use it for headaches, but it definitely works for tummy aches. I just rub it on the skin on my tummy. Loved your answers! Have a nice weekend.

  6. I hope the ultrasound situation isn't serious!

  7. The procedure counts. To answer your questions (1) the paper occasionally has P&G coupons and (2) just pour a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in warm water and drink. It helps.

  8. Yep... mothering is what we do. I even had a coworker last week take his shoes and socks off to ask if I thought his toe was broken and what he should do. I have turned into the office mom!! All but my boss are youngsters.



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