Saturday, May 7, 2022

Sunday Stealing: Do You Like...?

Happy Mother's Day to all the ladies! You are the nurturers and caregivers whether you have children or not.

Thanks to Bev for finding the questions. Join in the fun here.

questions from Pinterest

1. Do you like your handwriting?  Not really. I've never really liked it that much and now I'm getting older and the fingers don't work like they used to so the writing is worse.

2. Do you like roller coasters?  Yes, but my neck can't take the jerking and jarring these days.

3. Do you like scary movies?  Nope, not even a little.

4. Do you like shopping?
  It depends. I love shopping in thrift shops, antiques stores, flea markets, etc. At the mall or grocery shopping not so much.

5. Do you like to talk on the phone?  It doesn't bother me.

6. Do you sleep with the lights on or off?
  Off, but the power indicator lights from all the things in the room (alarm clock, phones on chargers, fan...) means it's never really dark.
7. Do you use headphones or earphones?  Neither.

8. Do you have tattoos?  One.  Do you want any?  I wouldn't mind another one, but don't have any plans to get one.

9. Do you wear glasses?  All day, every day.

10. What is your strangest talent? 
There was an episode of Happy Days when I was a kid, in which the staff from the Guiness Book of World Records came to Arnolds Drive-in to give people a chance to set a world record. There was a guy who held his arm straight out in front of him at shoulder level, then bent it back so his hand was resting on his shoulder palm up. Next he stacked quarters on his elbow. Once the quarters were placed he bring his arm forward and down, catching all the quarters in the process. He set a record with 20+ quarters, I think. For some reason my friends and I thought it was really cool and started trying it ourselves. I turned out to be the best of us at it and I practiced until I was able to catch about 15 quarters. I tried it again not too long ago. I can still do it...probably not 15 at once, but I caught 5.

11. Have you ever been in the hospital?
  Yes, when both of my children were born and to have my gall bladder removed.

12. What color mostly dominates your wardrobe?  Black.

13. What’s your most expensive piece of clothing?  My shoes. I have a lot of foot pain so I have to wear very good, supportive shoes and unless I can find older stock on Amazon, that usually means about $150 for shoes and $60 for flip-flops. I am finding that a good orthotic insert will sometimes allow me to wear less expensive shoes. Other than that it's probably my jeans from Torrid.

14. Have you ever had braces?  No.

15. Have you ever been on TV?  I have been on the news a few times. Usually just as a face in the crowd, but I was once interviewed about a mall closing.


  1. I love black - it suits me with my kind of dark blonde hair (now starting to go grey).

    Also, I love rock music and black looks great at gigs.




  2. Wishing you a beautiful Mother's Day my friend. smiles

  3. Right there with you on the shoes. My work shoes were always Alegrias or Birks--and I love Brooks sneakers. Sadly, I love the look of Vans (and have a few pairs) but they kill my feet. I need to think about getting some Alegria inserts for them!

  4. Finding shoes is such a treasure hunt. When my lymphedema is "bad" my feet and ankles are so swollen that my shoes have to be super wide to fit.

  5. Wowza, 15! If I could catch one quarter, I’d be happy.

  6. I forgot about shoes. I have to have good shoes, too. $150 sneakers, usually.

  7. I have foot troubles too. I hate it. My favorite color to wear is black too. Loved your answers! Have a nice day!

  8. Ditto #4!!! Blacks and the occasional brown dominate my closet, but I'm trying to break out a little, here and there.

  9. Your "strange" talent is very cool!! I tend to spend more on my shoes, too. I enjoyed your answers!

  10. Seems like a lot of us have closets full of black! I am not a shopper, period. It is a necessary evil. Have a great week ahead, Stacy! xo

  11. My feet are mu Achilles' heel, so to speak.


Saturday 9: Flowers

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it   here .   1) In this song, Miley Cyrus sings about gold as though it represents the best. Do ...