Thursday, May 12, 2022

Thankful Thursday

Good morning! I'm glad you're joining me. I'm just sitting here watching the Unashamed podcast and enjoying the quiet beauty of this early morning hour. Sunshine is streaming through the windows...please, don't mind the smudges from little fingers and kitty noses. I can hear the birds singing in the tree out front. It's a perfect bit of stillness before the day gets going and it will be a bit busy...

Daisy gets groomed this morning and while she is at the groomers I'll be heading to a meat market down the road to see what I can find for a cookout this weekend with cousins who will be visiting. Getting home from that I will head over to our daughter's home to babysit the grandchildren while she and her husband head to a meeting. Tonight our granddaughter will come spend time with me and Pappy so Mommy and big brother can "attend" his virtual kindergarden orientation.

A busy day, but my life and my heart are full. Just the way I like it. I am thankful so I'm linking up with Rebecca Jo @ Knit By God's Hand for Thankful Thursday.

This week my thankful list includes:

** We've enjoyed beautiful spring weather all week.

** A reminder from my pastor that no matter how ugly the words shouted by those who support a woman's right to abortion, they are not the enemy. Sometimes when feelings and emotions are running hot and harsh and hateful words are being shouted, it can be easy to forget that our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Remembering who is really behind the scenes makes it easier to show grace and mercy and love my neighbor.

** The cool new app that everyone on Facebook is playing with. It turns your photos into beautiful drawings. 

** Fresh asparagus from my stepdad's patch.

** My hubby who works hard, puts me and everyone else first, always supports my hair-brained ideas, and has always been my best friend.

** Our daughter and her family. Their closeness and willingness to include us in nearly everything keeps us from dwelling on what we have missed with our son and his family. 

** Our grandchildren, who fill my heart to overflowing.

** A girls' day out with my friend, Fran. We went to Ligonier, browsed through all the shops, and enjoyed conversation and laughter over a pot of tea and crumpets at the tea shop named "Crumpets."  

** The advice I read years ago, to never lend money to anyone unless you can afford to give it as a gift. Considering money a loan far too often leads to resentment if the money is not paid back. I'd rather happily give you what you need. If you pay me back, that okay and a nice surprise, but I'd rather you pay it forward and help someone else when you can.

** Our daughter and son-in-law are meeting with an attorney today (along with our s-i-l's parents) about their niece, the daughter of our s-i-l's brother who passed away last month. The mother has come back into the picture and has been stepping up and being a mom, getting the girl to the doctor about some medical issues that have been concerning for some time. The kids have finally admitted they don't want custody of the girl as long as the mother is doing what she should. They just want to be able to see her. 

The meeting today is to ensure that and also about the great amount of money that will be coming to the girl. Because her father didn't have a will, name a beneficiary, etc., everything goes to her, but because of her age (4) that means the custodial parent will have control. The kids and grandparents just want to be sure the mother can't spend it and that it will be there for the girl. 

** Our great-nephew was recently diagnosed with a rare genetic condition that appears between the ages of 5-10 and usually results in death within 10 years, but our niece and her husband are on top of everything and willing to do all they can to fight for him. They already have a medical team in place at Children's Hospital in Pittsburgh and will be meeting with them next week to form a plan. There are, apparently, some things they can do that will at least slow down the progression or stall it for a while, buying time in the hope for a cure. Thank goodness for researchers and doctors who dedicate their lives to understanding and treating such things.

** Another day of life. Another chance to do better at being who God created me to be. Another chance to, hopefully, shine His light into the life of someone who doesn't know Him. Another chance to forgive. Another chance to love. Another chance to give thanks.

** And, of course, as I always say....each one of you who visits whether you leave a comment or not. You add to my life, I've thanked God for you, and I've prayed for you today.


  1. Such a lovely, inspiring post to greet me today! Thank you for reminding me to be thankful for this day. I am thankful for you, my blogger friend!

  2. It sounds like you are having a really busy day today, but I hope you really enjoy your time with the grandkids. Have a great day.

  3. Prayers for your great nephew - that is so scary. Praying in the years ahead, there is progress in research!

    Isnt that app the coolest - I have had so much fun finding pics & turning them into "art"

  4. Just coming in from hanging sheets on the clothesline on this sunny 77 degree day!

  5. I love that saying about strength! Moreso, your pastor's words; something I need to remember. Loving the thought of fresh asparagus; we used to actually find it growing wild on the sides of the road to my hometown.

  6. Hi Stacy. I love this post and your gratitude for the good in your life - big and small. I especially love the message from your pastor about those who are pro-choice. Hope you have a good weekend. See you again soon.

  7. Stacy, the advice from your Pastor about the abortion issue is spot-on. Well put and thanks for sharing it here! I am also thankful for YOU! I enjoyed your list!! Have a great weekend!


Saturday 9: Flowers

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it   here .   1) In this song, Miley Cyrus sings about gold as though it represents the best. Do ...