Monday, June 13, 2022


The Weather...  It's 9:50 P.M. and the temperature is 82 degrees, humidity is at 75%. We are on our way to highs in the 90's on Wednesday and Thursday. 

Listening to...  the hum of the A/C and American Pickers on the television.

Reading...  Trick or Deadly Treat: A Fresh Baked Mystery by Livia J. Washburn.

Watching...  still working my way through Hoarders and Hoarding: Buried Alive. I find that I am fascinated by the psychology of it.

Loving...  that I'm making progess with organizing all my stuff. I'm thinning out the collections...donating, giving away, or tossing...a lot of stuff. Today I found that I shouldn't have to buy Scotch tape for at least 5 years. I found rolls and rolls of the stuff that I've probably bought at Christmas for wrapping, then tossed it in a drawer and totally forgot about it. (In the back of my mind is getting rid of things before I wake up and find myself a hoarder! lol)

Feeling...  Disgusted with the current administration's indifference to how much people are struggling. It's a pinch for all of us, but those who live paycheck to paycheck are having to make really hard decisions..."Do I put gas in the car and go to work, or do I put food on the table and feed my kids?" "Do I pay the rent/mortgage but let the utilities go unpaid or pay the utilities and risk eviction?" "Do I go see the doctor or buy gas?" I do trust that God is in control, but that doesn't mean we just sit back and watch life go by. We have to work within His will to help ourselves when it's called for.

Thinking...  about the places where I want to apply for a job.

Celebrating...  that Colton, who has always been terrified of the dentist and hysterical at appointments, made it through his appointment last Friday with flying colors...even though he had to get a filling and get a molar pulled!

Grateful for...  air conditioning when it starts to get humid. I have a hard time breathing at times in humid conditions and the A/C helps a lot.

Enjoying...  all this staying at home and trying to live more simply and frugally. It's the bright side of inflation and high gas prices.

A quote to share...


  1. I am also fascinated by hoarding shows - kind of grossed out by them to, but they always make me want to go through my stuff and get rid of a lot. That is on my "to-do" list for this summer, especially because we are probably moving back into our old house next summer. I have a year to get ready. I hope you have a good day.

  2. Love that quote. Mr. Reagan was a very wise man.

  3. Moving across the country forced us to get rid of a LOT; but I'm disappointed how quickly the place is filling up again. Unfortunately, I have to be in the mood to purge ... then look out!

  4. Hello! I am with you on all of this! I find myself going through things, giving to the kids, donating, and honestly, throwing some out. I want to have less around me! I love your take on what is happening with our country now, and how some are totally ignoring the effect on so many! I do agree that being home is allowing me to live simply. And President Reagan. How I miss that man! Stay cool, my friend.

  5. It was 85 degrees when I woke up this morning at 5:30am - this is crazy weather!!!!!
    I have the hardest time breathing in the humidity too. Thank GOD I work in the coldest office!

  6. Loved Reagan!! Beautiful quote and thanks for the reminder. Way to go, Colton!! I'll think of him being a big boy when I am under the dental drill next time! Love & hugs, Stacy!

  7. I think it's interesting that you're watching hoarders while you're thinning out and giving away. Is there a connection?

    I appreciate that computers and tech have changed our lives immeasurably but on days like today, the modern invention I'm most grateful for is the AC!

    I have good insurance and a good job and I still find medical costs daunting. I agree it shouldn't be that way. If the other side of the aisle joined the current administration on Medicare for All, we might find a bit more budge in our budgets.

  8. My friends in the U K are growing more food and traveling less… If we do the same or at least cut down, prices will drop…it is world wide not just America…

  9. P s perhaps Reagan could help…I remember him calling Social Security a welfare program…I thank the Lord everyday for my S S…


Saturday 9: Flowers

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it   here .   1) In this song, Miley Cyrus sings about gold as though it represents the best. Do ...