Friday, July 8, 2022

Saturday 9: Time for Livin'

Hello! After a busy week of training on the new job, I'm kicking off the weekend relaxing with the Saturday 9. Thanks, Sam, for the music and questions!

Saturday 9: Time for Livin' (1968)

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) This song is about taking "time for life." Do you have a busy, highly-scheduled Saturday planned? Or will you have an opportunity to just relax and enjoy?  As mentioned above, after a week that was packed full of online trainings and then my first actual day doing the job today (Friday)...I am ready to relax. My feet hurt from being on them all day, but I have to admit they don't hurt as much as my ankles which are, according to my doctor, loaded with arthritis. I survived and I'm only planning to work 3 days a week for now, so I'll live.
2) Lead singer Larry Ramos begins by telling us he likes to kick off his shoes and go barefoot. How about you? Do you like to feel "the good earth under your feet?"  Sometimes, but since I have so much trouble with my feet these days I don't go shoeless too often. I need the support of a good shoe. Now my grandkids? Those two are always barefoot and they walk on rocks, hot pavement, and all kinds of other things that just watching them makes my feet hurt! 
3) He sings that once he took off his watch, he found he had all the time in the world. Tell us about your watch.  I haven't worn one since I quit working at a nursing home in 2020. Now that I'm back in that setting I'm thinking I may need to start wearing one again.

4) With lyrics that include words like "grooving" and "hang-ups," this song is very much a product of its time. Share some of the slang you used during your adolescent years.  My friends and I spanned two decades as we grew up. We started in the 70's with things like Up your nose with a rubber hose!, peace out, bummer, take a chill pill, cool beans, and Sit on it. Then in the 80s it was words like dude, nerd, tubular, bogus, gag me with a spoon, bodacious, and radical.
5) He sings that his attitude has been rearranged. What is something you have changed your mind about?  I'd have to say that over the past 2 or 3 years it's been that while I believe the Bible is completely true and that it is my commission from Jesus Christ to share the good news of the Gospel with others...I find that I very often don't agree with the methods and tactics of some of my Christian brothers and sisters. I fear many of them have not mastered the balance between preaching truth and doing it with love. Jesus left people feeling loved and better about themselves while at the same time convicted of their sins. Too often Christians leave people feeling judged and condemned.
6) This week's group, The Association, was founded in Hawaii. Hawaii produces more pineapple than other state in the union. When did you most recently have pineapple?  Probably a couple of weeks ago. I don't know why I don't eat it more often, it is one of my favorite fruits.
7) In 1968, when this song was popular, Jacqueline Kennedy married Aristotle Onassis. Think about the last wedding you attended. Were you closer to the bride or to the groom, or were you equally close to both?  It was the Irish wedding of my husband's dad's half-sister's son. Does that make him a half-cousin? Is that even a thing? Anyway, we were obviously closer to him. He and his brother are roughly the same ages as my kids and they grew up together and were quite close at one time.
8) In 1968, when this song was popular, Laugh In was America's #1 TV show and it made a star of Goldie Hawn. Do you have a favorite Goldie Hawn movie?  Overboard! Though that probably has a lot more to do with a hot, in-his-prime, Kurt Russell being in it than anything to do with her.
9) Random question: Who is the most recent person you made smile, and what did you do?  I think it was one of the residents in the memory care unit today. He is new, too, and still finding his way in his new environment. I think he kind of looks like Clint Eastwood. Old Clint Eastwood, but he doesn't need to know that part. Anyway, he lit up like Christmas when I told him and then he launched into telling me about the business he had and his farm. He's such a sweetie! You should have heard him telling me, "Go ahead, make my day."

And now, a bonus for Gal, that I think will make her smile, too. A little "hello" from Jasper (Jazzy) as he has been helping me answer the questions tonight.


  1. I haven't read any of the other entries yet, but you and Zippi answered #5 similarly. Good for you both.

  2. #2: That's me, too. I had heel spurs and find if I'm barefoot too much my feet get achy. Also, I react badly to bug bites and I just KNOW I'm going to step on something that will sting me.
    #5: Yes, I know what you mean and I don't get it. Worship leaves me personally feeling loved, not aggreived, and it's almost always about how *I* can do better or change own my heart, not about demonizing others. I don't recognize the Christianity I often see and it makes me mad because instead of bringing people to Him, it drives them away.
    HI, JASPER! I think I recognize that look: "I love you more than that keyboard ever will."

    1. Heel spurs...I have a couple of those, as well, but they are not hurting as much as the other things right now. Thank goodness. That might be along the lines of what Jasper's thinking, though knowing his personality it's probably more like "Shut the d*** laptop and LOOK AT ME!"

  3. Hi Stacy. Fun answers to the questions. I don't ever go barefoot outside. I do take my shoes off in the house, but like you, my feet hurt a lot and need good supportive shoes! I completely agree that as Christians we need to love more and judge less. I am glad that your job training is over and that your first day went well. Cute picture of Jasper! See you again soon!

    1. I wish I could wear flipflops for work. I have a couple pairs of Vionic flipflops and they are soooo comfortable. They're the only shoes that keep my feet relatively pain free. I walked the entire waterfront and back in Halifax, Nova Scotia wearing them and had no pain.

  4. Your answer to #5 is spot on, and it's why I don't go to church anymore. Good for you for saying it.

    1. I realize that is why a LOT of people stay away from church and that makes me sad...because there are good people and good churches out there. It requires some searching for sure and a good working knowledge of scripture (which unfortunately many Christians are missing) so you can check what's being taught against what the Word of God says. Sadly, the church is its own worst enemy most of the time.

  5. My feet have been driving me nuts since about March. My doctor says I have plantar fasciitis. My heels hurt. I always have to wear shoes for that reason also.
    #5...yes, I agree that as a Christian, we should do things in love. I agree with what you said about many people judge everything and make others feel small. It is so sad. People forget that their sin is also sin.
    I am glad your job is going well. That is nice you are working 3 days a week.
    Jasper is adorable! Loved your answers! Have a nice weekend.

    1. Ugh, that is my underlying original problem. You could try Vionic shoes or they make inserts that around $50 (much less than the shoes). They do have cute styles and just about everything from slippers to boots.

  6. I loved your #5 answer--very well said.
    I'm sorry you have aches in your feet and ankles. That type of constant, low-grade pain makes it hard to want to do things, I find.

  7. Loved your Groovy, cool words up there*points*
    And a big Amen to #5. Love is the new commandment, and everything we do in the name of our sweet Lord should be done with Love...

  8. I used to go barefoot as a kid all the time, but sure can't do it now. I have to have some kind of shoes on my feet from the moment my feet hit the floor in the morning until I climb back into bed at night. I'm glad you made that old man's day today! I can imagine him saying that. You made a new friend in him for sure. And Jasper is so beautiful. We have the neighborhood black cat sleeping in my favorite wicker chair on the back porch right now. He showed up during a rainstorm and decided to take his nap there where it was dry and cozy. As long as he doesn't mess with my birds he's okay. Praying all goes well with your new job. One day at a time, and I'm glad it's only 3 days a week! That's probably going to be enough! Take care and stay "cool".

  9. Overboard was my Goldie answer too! Love that movie! How fun that your resident kept saying "make my day". Jasper is so beautiful!! I enjoyed your answers, and hope someday I will be headed toward Pittsburgh again so we can get some coffee somewhere and meet in person! xo


Saturday 9: Flowers

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it   here .   1) In this song, Miley Cyrus sings about gold as though it represents the best. Do ...