Sunday, August 21, 2022


It's 10:00 on Sunday evening.

The temperature is 71 degrees. It's raining. We have had thunderstorms rolling through all day. Storms are still in the forecast for Monday with a high of 76 degrees predicted.

I am tired. It's been a good weekend. And a busy one.

Friday I started out babysitting Leah while Megan and Colton ran a couple of errands, had lunch and just enjoyed some mother and son time. Once Leah went home I wasted no time finding more things to sell at our upcoming garage sale. I also made several trips hauling the stuff valuable merchandise up and putting it on the tables. I still have more things to go through.

Megan worked an 8-hour shift Friday night. I expected to get the kids at 9:00 when our son-in-law went to work, but he texted and let me know his parents said they'd keep them till Megan got off work. So Tim and I enjoyed a dinner of pizza made on tortillas and a fresh salad with tomatoes from our neighbor's garden.

Tim worked on Saturday so I had a quiet morning at home doing a few chores, reading, and just taking it easy because the rest of the day was very busy. My church had its Back to School Bash at a local elementary school Saturday evening so it was all hands on deck at the church that afternoon as we loaded up tables, chairs, tents, decorations, games, food, and anything else that was donated and needed into a long caravan of pickups, vans, and SUV's. 

We arrived at the school before 4:00 to set up and with so many hands we had everything done by a little after 5:00, which was a good thing because we were not advertised to begin until 6:00, but had families lining up by 5:30. So many, in fact, that we opened the gate and started registering at 5:40.

Everyone was very positive and seemed to have a wonderful time. We had free food, music, games, prize drawings, free school supplies, free brand new Bibles (different editions for the elementary kids, little ones, and adults...we gave out about 100 all together), a contest where kids could vote for their favorite teacher (winning teacher got a $250 gift card to buy supplies for their room), the fire department brought out one of the trucks for the kids to check out, and a competition jump rope team did demonstrations and gave out free jump ropes.

It got very dark right about the time we opened the gate. There was thunder and lightening was seen. We were sure praying as it was an all outdoor even with no rain date since school starts next week. God was so good and pushed those storms out all around us, but we never saw so much as a single drop of rain until we had cleaned up and unloaded back at the church. I saw posts all over Facebook when I got home about all the rain and storms everyone had gotten and then about the rainbows afterward. You can't tell me that wasn't God in action!

It was such a great event. Unfortunately, I forgot my phone in the rush to leave the house so I don't have photos. I'm hoping someone will share some eventually so I can borrow them. 

Not only was I keyed up afterward, but my right foot, ankle and leg were really throbbing so I was up pretty late until they settled down enough for me to sleep.

Today we had Colton and Leah from 9:30 to 6:30 while Megan worked and Cody slept. It's going to be a regular Sunday thing for a while. Next week I work in the nursery so I'm going to take Leah with me to give Tim and Colton some one-on-one time and Leah will love having other little ones to play with and she will really love the babies.

Oh, Mom came and picked up her dog around 1:00 today. Jasper is a happy camper. He had spent the entire 4 days she was here in hiding. I don't even think he ate the whole time. I also don't think Mom's dog even knew I had a cat.

On the schedule this week:

Monday: Keep sorting out things for the garage sale.
Tuesday: Get the tables set up and start pricing items. Call in ad to newspaper.
Wednesday: Finish pricing.
Friday: Garage sale 8:00-3:00, maybe lunch at the parsonage w/ Megan and some young moms and their kids (depends on whether Mom can handle the sale for a bit on her own or Megan is willing to go to the lunch by herself), taking my former client to the county fair in the evening.
Saturday: Garage sale 8:00-3:00, clean up what's left and drop it at Goodwill, Salvation Army or St. Vincent de Paul.
Sunday: Colton and Leah will be here all day; staffing the nursery at church and taking Leah with me.


  1. Hi Stacy. Happy Monday. Sounds like you had a good weekend and that you have a full week planned. Good luck with the yard sale. That event at your church sounds like it was a blessing to many, and yes, I believe it was God that held off the rain. I hope you have a good week. :-)

  2. I love to hear how God provided in so many many items donated for the children, and by keeping the rain away long enough for everyone to come and enjoy the festivities. Definitely a "God thing". Your weekend/week sounds pretty busy. I hope your garage sale is a big success., and that the rains stay away for those two days as well. Will your sale actually be inside the garage? That would be helpful. I love all the wonderful activities you are participating in at your church as well. That makes my heart happy! Have a blessed and beautiful week.

  3. I am too rural for a garage sale, and I never know what to do with my stuff, um, valuable merchandise, except hand it over to Goodwill. :-(

  4. I don't envy you with the garage sale. The last one I had (before we moved) I had one side everything a dollar and the other side, everything five dollars. Pricing is the worst!! LOL I wish you well and hope you sell it all. Leah and Colton are so blessed to have you so close. You have a busy week and I wish you well!! xo

  5. Wow! Busy weekend for you but it sounds like you had a good time. I agree, that sounds like God really did answer your prayers. It also sounds like you have a really busy week ahead too. Take care my friend.


Saturday 9: Flowers

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it   here .   1) In this song, Miley Cyrus sings about gold as though it represents the best. Do ...