Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Just for Today...

Outside my window... It's hot and humid. Those in the "know" say the mercury is heading for 90 today. Of course, that means afternoon thunderstorms are a possibility.  

Also outside my window is the township's work crew. They have been digging at the corner of our lot, across our neighbor's back lot, and one side of our daughter's lot, for several days now. There's been flooding issues for a several years now and they are putting in new drainpipes, and inlets through much of this end of the neighborhood. It will all empty into a new retention pond.

I'm feeling... Pretty good. I saw the doctor yesterday. It was actually a follow up about the pain I had in my legs a couple of weeks ago, but we also talked about Covid. Everything looks good, but I can't shake the cough. My lungs are clear so it's not a huge concern. It's simply annoying. The cough hits off and on throughout the day, but in the evenings my chest tightens up...sort of like asthma, I guess. Dr. Porter prescribed two inhalers, but I have to call him today and ask about that since when I went to pick them up they were a ridiculous amount. 

I'm watching... Arrested Development and lots and lots of House Hunters.

I'm thankful... Tim didn't work this past Saturday. It was a beautiful summer day...sunny, blue skies, 78 degrees. Perfect. We took a drive up Route 30 to the site of the Quecreek Mine rescue. It's been 20 years and we'd never been there. They have a really nice visitor center and have an informative and entertaining program.

I'm also thankful that at the same time we were visiting Quecreek, Megan and her family were out enjoying the day at a fun center in the Laurel Highlands.

I'm enjoying... Summer's bounty. Not in my garden, but thank heavens there are others reaping wonderful harvests. I drove up Route 30 again on Monday to a very nice Mennonite market we've been to before. In the summer, they also have a big farm stand. I came home with a half bushel of green beans, cantaloupe, zucchini, onions, peaches, sweet corn, tomatoes bigger around than softballs (tomato sandwiches here I come!), lunchmeat, cheese, popcorn, wagon wheel pasta, and a variety of bulk seasonings.

I spent about 5 hours snapping beans Monday night. Colton and Leah were here for the last hour and helped me. They thought it was loads of fun!

In the kitchen... Yesterday Mom and I canned the beans. We did 14 quart jars and 2 pint jars.

At the store... In addition to what I mentioned above, Megan and I did a Sam's Club run on Friday. I found some great deals on meat and came home with large packages of center cut pork chops, round steak, chuck roast, ground beef, hot dogs, and chicken thighs. I also got grapes, ketchup, mushrooms, canned tuna, toilet paper, cat food and kitty litter, and the always "required" bite-size brownies and a big jar of Halloween (orange, purple, and green) M&M's (the kids like to have some when they get out of the pool). 

In the kitchen... Because it took until 5:00 to finish canning the beans (we didn't start until 12:30 or so) supper last night was KFC. A 3-piece meal for Tim and one of their Famous Bowls for me. It's funny, I'd never mix up all that food in one bowl at home, but I love those bowls. Such yummy comfort food!

Thinking about... Covid brain. It is real and it is annoying. I'm finding that quite often since having covid I draw a complete blank on names of people and things several times a day. They tell me it passes after a while, but when you've worked in memory care units it's hard not to be bothered by it.

I'm looking forward to... We're finally going to celebrate Leah's 3rd birthday this Saturday with cupcakes and pizza. We had to cancel this past weekend since Colt and I were so freshly over Covid. We didn't want to take any chances. We got Leah her first big girl bike. It's Frozen-themed, of course, but is a real 2-wheeler with training wheels. It's the smallest one we could find so I'm hoping she can make it go. She's been riding her trike and getting frustrated by how much pedaling it takes to get anywhere.

A trip down memory lane... Remember when the school was your pusher and we all got high sniffing mimeograph copies, glue, and permanent markers?


  1. Hi Stacy. The trip to the Mennonite Market sounds great! Good for you canning all those green beans. I know they will be a wonderful addition to your meals throughout the winter. I love green beans. Always have. I am glad that you are getting over Covid, but I have also heard that the "covid brain" can stick around for several months. Frustrating - especially since you were vaccinated. Happy belated birthday to Leah. That "big girl bike" sounds so cute and fun. Today is my granddaughter Paige's birthday. She is now 8! Time flies. We love KFC for dinner too. I am a fan of the Famous Bowls and like Tim, my husband gets the 3-piece meal. See you again soon.

  2. Yes, I do remember the mimeograph sheets and their smell. So glad to see that you are feeling better. Have fun at the birthday celebration!

  3. Yes to that mimeograph smell! It always meant a pop quiz. I enjoyed your post. Sorry about all the post covid stuff you are experiencing. Hope it goes away soon for you. All of those fresh things from the farm stand sound so good! Yum to green beans!! xo



I am... Reading... The Cinnamon Bun Bookstore,  book two in the Dream Harbor  series by Laurie Gilmore. Watching... nothing. The televisio...