Friday, September 16, 2022

Being Thankful on Friday

I missed Thankful Thursday yesterday due to computer issues. Something has hit the laptop and it is moving in it takes about 45 minutes for everything to load and be ready to function. Actually, it wouldn't load at all yesterday. Today is slow. Maybe by tomorrow it will be fine?

Anyway, there are some really good things going on and I didn't want to miss the chance to show my gratitude on the blog where it might encourage someone else. So, here are some things I am thankful for this week.

** As some of you know, my daughter has been having some health issues again...crushing headache, flashes of light in her vision, painful aches, weight on her chest, nausea, exhaustion, and even a blackout while driving. She's been going through this for 3-4 weeks and has been to the ER multiple times, seen her doctor, and had CT scans of her head and chest. There is an MRI scheduled for the 28th of this month. Doctors have been kicking around scary words like Lupus, MS, and brain tumor.

I have been driving her and the kids everywhere they needed to be and the kids have been with me much of the time because Megan just couldn't manage to take care of them.

Tuesday was the most recent ER visit. She was there because it felt like someone was sitting on her chest. Along with all the other tests they did, someone ordered a test for Lyme Disease. Her doctor called yesterday to tell her she tested positive and that Lyme Disease can, and most probably does, account for ALL of her current symptoms. 

That is one huge praise, because it is infinitely better than the other things the doctors have been thinking. She started on a course of strong antibiotics yesterday and will continue for two weeks. 

** I am also thankful I'm able to be here to help out my daughter and take care of the grandchildren. 

** Small groups started up at my church this week. There are four groups to choose from this year and all meet in someone's home. I chose a new group this year because Sunday evenings weren't working for me. So last night was the first night. I already love my group! A dear friend who doesn't attend the church is going with me, about half of the people are from the group I was in last year, and the other folks are warm and wonderful. I'm looking forward to getting to know them better and working through Ecclesiastes.

** Our great-nephew is doing really well following his bone marrow/stem cell transplant. He was extremely nauseated and weak for a while there as the chemo finally caught up to him, but that is under control and he is beginning to eat a little.

His white blood cells have engrafted and his numbers are climbing. That's happening a week to two ahead of schedule! We are waiting for his red blood cells and platelets to engraft.

Times have changed since the days when such a procedure would have meant living in total isolation for fear of germs. He is able to have visitors (just have to mask) and the last two days they have allowed him to go outside to the hospital's garden for a couple of hours and even to visit the apartment at the Ronald McDonald House. You should have seen the smile on his first trip outside.

** My Daisy finally got in with the groomer this week and she looks so pretty and feels so much better. She's not nearly as stinky, either. Ha!

** Finally, there is news that makes me sad, but I am determined to find the good in it.

We learned last week (due to our daughter's "creeping" on Instagram) that our son and his wife apparently had another baby in August, a little boy named Dillon.

For anyone who doesn't know, 2 1/2 years ago our son chose to cut all contact not only with us, but with every single member of his family and every friend he had before he met his wife. (It is, as if, his entire life before her did not exist.) We've heard nothing since. It is possible we will never meet this boy, our fifth grandchild. That makes me sad, but...

I have hope that God can change hearts and circumstances. I have many friends who pray for my son and his family and for this new baby. 

And I am thankful little Dillon is healthy.

** I'm thankful for fall weather. Warm, sunny days and cool nights and mornings (it was only 50 this morning!).

** I'm thankful after allowing all that time for it to boot up, the laptop seems to be working okay. 

** Last but not least, I'm thankful for you!


  1. I'm so glad she got an answer - & while Lupus can be long going & a pain (obviously) glad its not something worse. Hope she can get some healing & relief now she knows!!!

  2. Yay! She hot a diagnosis! So glad and I hope she'll be feeling better real soon. Our group started this week happy for it. Congrats on a new grandchild and I hope you'll be able to meet him and that problems can be resolved. I will pray for you all.

  3. I am thankful for you, Stacy. I'm glad there is a diagnosis for Megan. Lime Disease is not picnic but I'm glad someone thought to test for it!! Prayers lifted for Dillon and your son/family. I love my small group from church. We meet twice a month at someone's house. Mine is coming up. Have a blessed weekend! xo

  4. Praying for Megan and this diagnosis. May God speed healing to her body. Praying also for your son and family. How very sad to not even tell you that you have another grandson. My prayers are with you all as you deal with this heartache, but again, yes, what a praise that he's a healthy baby boy. God will find a way to bring you all together again in a happy way, I pray. Wow, in the 50's? That sounds wonderful! It only got to 83 here today, which is also a nice change for us. Hope it lasts. Take care my friend. You have a lot on your shoulders, but Jesus takes it for us if we just let Him.

  5. So glad that Megan may have received some answers to her health problems. Congratulations on the birth of another health grandchild. As you know, I totally understand and feel your pain. We are in the very same boat with two of our four and it is heartbreaking, but perhaps, God will use this new baby to bring your son back into your life. Your small groups at church sound very nice. I hope you have a good weekend. See you again soon!

  6. I am sorry about your son. I didn't speak to my father for 10 years. We talk for about 3 minutes once a week or so now. Whatever his reasons, you are doing what you can be accepting things as they are.


Saturday 9: A Summer Song

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it  here . 1) Are you enjoying winter? Or do you daydream about summer?  No, I am not enjoying w...