Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Tuesday 4: Questions to Ponder

Welcome to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4.

Here are questions to ponder for this week...

1. Are you happy with the way your life is going?  For the most part. I'm busy and active with my family and church. I'm free to do things I enjoy. I live in a relatively safe country and enjoy freedoms many in this world do not. I don't go to bed hungry. I have enough clothes that I can complain about doing laundry...meaning I don't have to do it until there's a lot of it. The likelihood of the water I drink making me sick is relatively low. There is no raw sewage running through the streets where I live. I don't have to worry about insurgents coming into my home to torture and kill us. I can worship as I choose without fear of going to jail for it. I may not like my government, but I am free to say that and try to do something about it. So, yes, I'm pretty happy with the way my life is going. But finding the right job would be nice.

2. Are you planning any trips in the future?  Maybe a day trip to visit my father at the end of the month, but that's it.

3. Are you reading anything at the moment or do you plan on reading something interesting?  I just started reading The Replacement Wife by Darby Kane. I've been reading easy going cozy mysteries all summer. It's time for something a bit meatier and it has been a while since I last read a thriller.

4. What's for supper tonight at your house?  Smothered round steak cooked in the slow cooker to melt in your mouth perfection.


  1. I need to look for some good slow cooker recipes - especially with the cooler air coming in!

  2. Supper sounds delicious! Hope you enjoy your book...thrillers cause me too much anxiety so they are usually no fun for me, same for TV shows or movies.

  3. I used to make smothered round steak a lot when the kids were little. I haven't made it now in years. You reminded me how much I do like it! I like your description of a mystery that's cozy. I think I know what you mean. There are mystery books I take to quickly and cozy is the right word as to why. I find a lot of Agatha Christie to be cozy and a few by Danielle Steele too.

  4. The Liz Talbot mysteries have been fun to read. I'm starting #9 of the 10-book series. You answered #1 perfectly. Your dinner sounds good! I have my church home group tonight so don't know what it on the menu at Ken & Cindy's house. I know it will be good!! xo

  5. I always enjoy reading your answers. Your dinner sounds delicious! I took a little break from suspense thrillers to read an Amish Cozy Mystery, which was a nice change. Enjoy your Tuesday evening. See you again soon!

  6. I should have read this earlier, I would have said what time is dinner? Yours sounds much better than mine! Have a great Tuesday!

  7. Your slow cooker steak sounds delicious! I'm looking to read some new thrillers this fall too. It's the best time of year for them! Happy Wednesday!



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