Friday, September 23, 2022

Saturday 9: This Night Won't Last Forever

It's Friday evening and things are getting back to normal around here. The kids are back from Ocean City, grand-dog Abby has gone home, and Jasper has come out of hiding and is cuddled up and content on this chilly autumn night (Daisy is here, too, but she wasn't in hiding). 

Today was a long and busy day, but a good one. I took my client out for the day. We browsed through a thrift shop, shopped at Walmart and a couple of stores at the mall, had lunch at Panera Bread, and finished our time out at a local winery/berry farm. She bought a bottle of a nice Niagara and I found I decided on a bottle of a blended wine called Bella Rose. It's light, fresh and has a decidedly grapey flavor. I also got Tim a fresh baked cherry pie. It's his favorite and I don't make pies.

And just when I thought my day was done, Megan asked me to take her grocery shopping. By the time we got home and got everything unloaded and put away I was done. My feet, knee, hips, and back were aching something awful. I told Tim to pick up something for dinner on his way home. He got KFC, which was fine and not cooking gave me time to sit with my feet up so I feel a lot better now.

Tomorrow I'm going with my mom to the estate auction of a man our family knew. He was the long-time gardener for the branch of the Mellon family that resides here. We met him when my dad was the manager of the family's wildlife preserve back in the 1970's. Anyway, he was a life-long bachelor and an antique collector. Mom wants to see what he had and how much things go for. I don't know what all is for sale, but I do know there are over 140 framed art works. Probably not a sale I will be able to afford to buy anything at, but it will be interesting. 

Knowing where I'll be, don't think I've forgotten all of you. I will get around to visit, it will just be later.

Now, let's get on with the Saturday 9. Thank you, Sam, for the music and the questions!

Saturday 9: This Night Won't Last Forever (1979)

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.
1) This song begins with, "Everybody likes a celebration." Do you have any birthdays or anniversaries coming up on your calendar?  Well, today (Friday) is our daughter and son-in-love's 5th wedding anniversary. We didn't get to celebrate with them today, but will over the weekend. October 2 is our son's birthday. He will be 36.
2) The lyrics tell us Michael Johnson is stuck at a party while his heart is breaking. He finds it awkward and painful to pretend there's nothing wrong. Are you adept at "putting a good face on it?" Or is it easy for others to tell how you're feeling?  I am very good at putting a good face on it. It's a "skill" I learned when I was a kid and my dad was raking me over the coals, which he did on a regular basis. I determined to never let him see how bad he hurt me. I try not to be like that now, but I still have people tell me that I am hard to read.

3) Michael feels like this is going to be a long night. Is there a part of your day when time tends to drag? Or when it flies?  Mornings and afternoons go fast. Evenings go slower.
4) As bad as he feels right now, he's still hopeful about tomorrow. What are you looking forward to for Sunday?  I don't really have anything I'm looking forward to. I will be volunteering in the church nursery this Sunday. We don't have any plans that I know of.
5) When he was 13, Michael taught himself to play the guitar. He went on to take formal lessons and mastered classical guitar. What's something you would like learn more about/do better?  I'd like to learn to cook more ethnic foods and sometimes I think it would be fun to learn to speak some Italian.
6) For a time he performed with a trio known as Denver, Boise & Johnson. The Denver was John. Do you have a favorite John Denver song?  I don't know if I can choose just one. I loved John Denver. Country Roads and Annie's Song are right up there, though.
7) He retired to Minneapolis to be near his adult daughter. But he never stopped performing entirely. For years he delighted loyal local fans with with an annual holiday concert on December 26 at Orchestra Hall. Is there a performer you've seen in concert more than once?  Toby Keith, Donnie Iris, B.E. Taylor.
8) In 1979, when this song was popular, the cable channel ESPN launched. What's the last sporting event that you watched?  It's been so long since I've watched any sports that I don't even have a clue.

9) Random question: Do you play Wordle?  No. I think about it, but I really don't need any more ways to waste time online.


  1. Hi Stacy. Sounds like you had a good but busy week. That auction you are going to sounds interesting. Have a good weekend. See you again soon!

  2. #3 My evenings end around 9.
    #5 The only Italian that I know are the swear my uncles used to say. My grandmother didn't allow any Italian to be spoken in her house.

  3. I hope you find yourself something good at that auction.

  4. Wordless good for brain…good for kids also…as a retired teacher…I love this…let’s face it if you want to waste time do Facebook…I contend that is a weapon of evil…my students suffered greatly with Facebook.

  5. Hope you had success at the sale!! Have a great rest of your weekend!

  6. That auction does sound interesting! Hope you can tell us all about it! I almost answered I would like to speak Italian (which I would) but Spanish would be more useful here in Florida. I enjoyed your post, Stacy. Glad the kids are back and that Jasper has come out of hiding!! Have a blessed Sunday! xo

  7. Hi, Jasper! I was worried about him, but look how chill he is! My mornings zip by, too. I wonder if that's a function of my job, or if it will be that way when I retire.


Saturday 9: Flowers

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it   here .   1) In this song, Miley Cyrus sings about gold as though it represents the best. Do ...