Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Thankful Thursday

Yay, it's time for Thankful Thursday! This is the month of Thanksgiving, but it's always good to take a moment each and every day to give thanks for all that we're blessed with.

I'm doing this on Wednesday evening and I'm hoping I can stay awake to get it done. It's not late...I'm just tired from work, adjusting to the time change, and not feeling my best (whether it's allergies or some viral thing remains to be seen).

This week...

💖I am thankful our daughter was finally able to get the kiddos into see their new pediatrician. It turned out that both still had horrible ear infections. Leah's seemed fresh, but Colton's, according to the doctor, looked like it had been going on for a long, long time. In fact, the doctor said he didn't know how Colt could hear anything. Colt also has strep throat. Nice.

Both kids are on yet another round of antibiotics, but if these don't work on their ears both will probably be getting tubes in their ears. At least there is finally a light at the end of the tunnel of endless sickness.

💖I am thankful for my job. My co-workers are very nice and the developmentally disabled adults in the program are such a joy and blessing. The days I am in the shredding shop and am on my feet all day are tough. I've made it through each of those days, but the pain is nearly unbearable by the end of the day. Fortunately, I haven't yet worked there multiple days in a row. I've been alternating between there, training on the computer, and the adult training facility (which works on teaching the clients life skills). Sooner or later, though, I will probably have to work more than one day at a time on the shredding floor. I'm to the point I've decided it's time to call the podiatrist. I have one who is a friend. I suspect he will say it's time for the cortisone shots in my feet. I don't even want to think about that, but I am thankful we live in a time where there are things that can be done.

💖I am thankful for a wonderful afternoon out with a friend from high school. She invited me to go to a local tea shop for a pot of tea and crumpets. We had such a nice afternoon of conversation and then a bit of browsing in some of the nearby shops.

💖I am thankful our daughter is willing to see if Jasper will adjust to living at her house with her dog and three cats. I love my naughty boy, but he is NOT liking me being gone all day and the bad behaviors have been constant. I believe he is bored and with all my problems with my feet, I am just not up to giving him all the attention and play time he needs at the end of the day. At least if he goes to live with our daughter I will see him all the time. With the other critters and Colton and Leah, he definitely will not be bored over there.

💖I am thankful Jasper hasn't actually broken or destroyed anything important yet. Not that he isn't giving it his all.

💖I am thankful for my family. My daughter lets the dog out for me while I am at work and my husband has been incredibly patient and kind about the things I'm not getting done because of work and pain. 

💖I am thankful I found out I get Thursday and Friday off for Thanksgiving and Friday through Monday off for Christmas. 

💖I am thankful it looks like they will finally finish up the drainage work in our neighborhood this week or next. Our yard appears to be the last one they will finish, but they have done a very nice job of fixing everyone else's back up so I can be patient.

💖I am thankful for all of you!


  1. I admire you working through pain. That has to be hard. Hope the cat works out well at your daughter's. I know my two love visiting over at Amber's.
    We had to give our Lucy (dog) away some years ago. She had so many problems and was only getting worse. Mainly she barked sharply every time Louis Dean stood up. When he was sitting she was all lovey dovey but the minute he stood up - it was awful.
    Hoping your grands get well soon. Amber's four have all had the flu - one by one by one by one.

  2. I am sad that Jasper is being such a naughty boy but am glad he will be living next door with (hopefully) a lot more activity to keep him busy and out of trouble!! Do keep us posted. He is beautiful. So sorry your feet are hurting so bad. I was hopeful the new boots would give you some support and relief. Glad for a diagnosis for the kiddos and hoping the new antibiotics will get rid of the infections. Gosh. xo

  3. I am sorry to hear about your feet giving you such problems still. Praying there is a solution that will truly help. Also praying about Jasper and his issues. I hope he can live next door and that he will blend in well there. It's too bad he has his naughty side. I hope everything will work out well. Hope the kiddos get to feeling better really soon. Ear infections are such a problem for little ones. I'm glad you like your new job, and I hope the foot problems will not interfere. (((hugs)))

  4. I hope new shoes will help out. Sorry you got sick. Covid is still making its rounds around here along with other things. Take care Stacy!

  5. What a nice list. Hoping your feet will get better. Are the shoes helping any? Hope these antibiotics will take care of kids ears. Take care my friend.

  6. ...and I am thankful for you. I hope the grandkids get to feeling better, smiles.



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