Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Tuesday 4: Talking Turkey

I'm a little late to the party, but I'm joining in to talk turkey with the Tuesday 4. 

1. Do you celebrate with family, friends or by yourself?  

Thanksgiving is usually celebrated with family and this year won't be any different, but it is looking like it will just be Tim and I and my mom and stepdad. 

Our daughter was at the ER last night and has been diagnosed with a kidney stone, a UTI, and Influenza A. Colton was diagnosed with the flu last week. Leah came down with it today. 

Praying Tim and I don't get it since we had Leah here on Sunday and kept both kids last night while Mom and Dad were at the hospital. If we get sick, we will all be in separate homes for the second time in 3 years.

* I am truly thankful that no one is gravely ill, but admit to being a bit annoyed. We have not all been together for Thanksgiving since before Covid. I was really looking forward to all of us being around the table this year.

2.  Do you watch the Thanksgiving Day parade from Macy's in New York City?  The appearance of Santa at the end signals the start of the Christmas season.  What does the day hold for you?  

I used to love the parade, but am not quite as fond of it since you now see so little of the actual parade. I suppose all the performances are okay, but I'm finding that every year I have less and less idea of who the performers are. I'm in a minority, anyway. No one else really likes to watch.

Without our daughter's family present, it will be a quiet day. We may watch the dog show or a movie and a game of dominos is probably in the cards.

3. What foods are the hit of Thanksgiving Day for you?  

Gravy. Yeah, I know, but I love me some gravy! I also like the cornbread casserole and sweet potatoes a lot. I am one of the weirdos that likes green bean casserole, too, but I am alone on that one in this family.

4.  We say grace before and after meals. Is grace a part of your Thanksgiving meal?

Yes, we have always said grace and sometimes share what we are thankful for. I had planned to share this before dinner, but that may not happen since it will just be the four of us.

I can't think of a better thing to be thankful for.

"God won't give you more than you can handle..."
Odd, I can't seem to find that verse.
“I'm guessing Job would take exception to that cliche.
So would Joseph.
Paul did.
"We were under great pressure, far beyond our ability to endure, so that we despaired of life itself..." II Corinthians 1:8
Why would God allow him to experience hurt more than he could handle? Read on. "...so that we might not rely on ourselves but on God." II Corinthians 1:9
Truth? Cancer is more than you can handle.
So is infidelity.
So is caregiving.
So is rejection.
So is death
and loss
and grief
and prodigal children
and 101 other life struggles.
God doesn't expect YOU to handle it.
He expects you to hand it over to HIM.
He doesn't want you relying on your strength, but on His.
If we keep walking around thinking
"God won't give me more than I can handle,"
we're setting ourselves up for
heavenly disappointment.
Good news? He beckons for your burdens,
"Cast your cares upon Me..." I Peter 5:7
You will never know relief until you do.
For this hard place, I have Jesus!” Jolene Valeu


  1. LOL... YEARS ago, my dad would yell at the TV during the Macy's parade that "...this isn't a parade, it's a broadway show..." I was still in school. It is even worse now and I don't know most of the performers either. I am bummed about Thanksgiving this year, too. I was hosting 9 other people and had to cancel because of covid. Just me and the cats this year and no turkey. :( Oh well. It is what it is and I am thankful that my bout with covid has been an easy one. Your list at the end is beautiful. Happy Thanksgiving, Stacy. Praying everyone recovers for Christmas! xo

  2. Hello! I am sorry your daughter is sick! That sounds awful. Prayers she heals soon, and that you all stay healthy. The parade is hit and miss here too. I always like to watch the Rockettes. Have a cozy Thanksgiving, my friend.

  3. Hi Stacy. I hope you have a Happy Thanksgiving. Sorry that your daughter is so ill. I doubt we will watch the parade because we will be traveling to our daughter's home. She wants there by noon and it is a drive of 60 to 90 minutes. I love that passage at the end of this post. So true. I am wishing you and yours a wonderful and memorable Thanksgiving, as well as health and healing.

  4. Well, I knew about your daughter, but I am sorry others are getting sick too. I pray you are all ok for Thanksgiving.
    What a beautiful thing to share for Thanksgiving!


  5. I am so very sorry to read about all the sickness...and how much I love that last thought, thank you...I needed to see that.

  6. Your daughter and her family have had such a hard time lately, which means her mother has been having a hard time, too! Hope it all starts getting easier for you all. (And let me know how your reunion with Jasper goes.)


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