Thursday, April 27, 2023

A Quick (for me) Thankful Thursday

This week is cram-packed with things to do so I don't have a ton of time to make my thankful list, but I sure don't want to skip it. Please excuse the quick bullet points.

This week I am thankful for...

  • Beautiful sunny afternoons to enjoy time with the grands.
  • My pretty new nails (my first set of fakes ever) for the Very Special Prom.
  • I haven't messed up any of my new nails or popped one off.
  • Tim cooking dinner on his new wood pellet grill.
  • Manageable foot pain this week.
  • Life being so busy and full.
  • A letter from my father...and the news that his wife is home and making  progress after having a stroke last month.
  • Co-workers who make me laugh.
  • An unexpected tax refund.
  • It's my favorite night of TV. (Swamp People and Serpent Invasion)
  • College transcripts that arrive before next week's interview.
  • Figuring out today that my daughter works with the daughter of the woman I drive home from work every day...and she isn't one of the people my daughter has had problems with.
  • An invitation to dinner on Sunday with Tim's sister and her husband. She's the one with cancer. We haven't seen her face to face in months.
  • All of you sweet readers and friends!


  1. A lovely list of blessings, Stacy. Show us your fancy nails if you can get a picture!! I like Swamp People too!! xo

  2. Hi Stacy. So glad that your week is going well. I hope you accomplish everything you need to and have a good weekend!

  3. Your blessings made me smile too. Very good things to be thankful for.
    Blessings to you all. xx


Currently...the Baby It's Cold Outside Edition

Wherever you are this evening, I hope it is warmer than it is here and if it's not, then I hope you are snuggled up inside   staying nic...