Saturday, May 13, 2023

Saturday 9: Mama Said

Saturday 9: Mama Said (1961)

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) This week's song is about a girl who remembers wise advice she received from her mother. Tell us about someone who advised you years ago and to this day you think, "They were right!"  I had a difficult relationship with my adoptive father. My mom once described us as a train wreck looking for a place to happen. He was strict and controlling and in his mind the only correct way to do something was his way. He had many sayings that drove me to eye-rolling. As I have lived and grown older and (hopefully) gained wisdom I've come to see that many of those sayings were good advice. Among those are: "If you can't say something nice about someone, don't say anything at all."; "A job worth doing is a job worth doing well."; and "Family is family. You always take care of family and do your duty by them."

2) She sings about hearing chapel bells. Can you hear church bells ringing from your home?  The Catholic church on the hill above my neighborhood got a very expensive and elaborate electronic bell system when I was a teenager. It made the front page of the local paper when they purchased it because rather than just ringing bells, it actually played complete songs. Back then the bells rang at 9 a.m., noon, 6 p.m., and for all holidays. Now they rarely ring. I think it's only on Sunday mornings and a few bigger holidays. I don't hear them often because they've turned the volume down considerably. I miss waking up on July 4th to the bells playing Hooray for the Red, White, and Blue.
3) This week's featured artists are the Shirelles, a group formed in New Jersey in 1957. They are credited for beginning the girl group genre. Name another popular girl group.  The Supremes, Spice Girls, The Bangles...

4) In 1961, when this song was popular, Jacqueline Kennedy appeared on the cover of Ladies Home Journal three times. Is there a printed magazine in your home right now? If so, who is on the cover?  There are magazines, but none with people on the cover. They are all cooking or decorating magazines.

5) This song was chosen in celebration of Mother's Day. More phone calls are made on Mother's Day than any other day of the year. Who was your last phone call from?  My daughter.
6) Salons see a bump in appointments around Mother's Day every year. Partly because moms want to look good for their day, but also because hair, spa and nail services are a popular Mother's Day gift. When did you most recently go to a salon, and was it for your hair, complexion, or nails?  I went a little over two weeks ago to have my nails done. I got my first set of tips ever.

7) Similarly, restaurants experience a spike in reservations on Mother's Day. Where did you last dine out? Was a reservation required?  Tim and I ate out last night. No reservation was required. It was at a little neighborhood place that has been around since the 40's or 50's. We are going tomorrow to the area's most popular Italian restaurant. Tim made reservations for the whole family for Mother's Day.
8) The most popular Mother's Day gift is still the greeting card. Where do you card shop: drugstore, bookstore, card shop, etc.?  I'm not against buying them in all of those places, but for convenience I usually end up getting them at Walmart.

9) Sam is celebrating Mother's Day with her mother's favorite, Hershey Bars. Would you prefer classic milk chocolate, dark chocolate or chocolate with almonds?  Classic milk chocolate, please.

Thanks to Sam for the music and questions.
Play along here.


  1. Happy Mother's Day!! I hope you all have a wonderful dinner out together tomorrow. We will be eating here at home, grilled chicken. So far that's all I know. LOL. There aren't enough restaurants around here to handle Mother's Day crowds, so I'd just as soon stay home and enjoy being with my family. Oh, I bet your nails look pretty! I've never had a professional manicure...I just don't have the nails for it and don't want fake ones. But I would LOVE a pedicure. One of these days I am going to make that appointment. I can't wait for someone else to think of it to give it to me as a gift. These guys around here would never think of it. LOL. Happy Mother's Day!! Oh, those bells/music from the church sound lovely...I wish we had one near here. Our church does ring the bell every Sunday morning for church. I love that!!

  2. Wishing you a beautiful Mothers Day my friend. smiles

  3. #2 ~ There's Baptist Church in neighboring Baxley, GA that still playing the ringing bells every day at Noon. Whenever we're visiting it's nice to listen to them chime.
    #4 ~ No people on my mag's either as I read Archeology Magazine and Georgia BackRoads.
    #7 ~ Our last evening eating out was at the new Mexican restaurant in our little 'burg. It was yummy. I hope they do well.
    #9 ~ Dark chocolate with low sugar. Yum!
    Happy Mother's Day! xx

  4. I agree with you on #1. Those are all good advice from your dad. My dad always told me "just do your best at everything. That is all you can do". It has been advice I have always remembered. It takes the stress off in a way. Loved your answers! Have a Happy Mother's Day! ♥

  5. I never go to Walmart because I don't drive and it's too far to walk. I didn't even know, until just now, that they had greeting cards. But of course they do. They have everything!

  6. It sounds like you had a good -but tough- daddy growing up, and I'm hoping that he wasn't mean.
    I could hear church bells in most places where I lived, child, teen and adult. I miss them now.
    I love the Spring background you've chosen.
    Happy Mother's Day, Stacy.

  7. Happy Mother's Day, Stacy!! Enjoy your special dinner with the family!! xo

  8. #2 The local Catholic church only rings their bells now before services, weddings, and funerals.
    #3 I remember “Walk Like an Egyptian”
    #8 I think what drove out the card stores was the convenience of buying them while grocery stopping. You didn’t have to make an extra stop.



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