Wednesday, May 10, 2023


I am

Reading... I just finished reading Same Beach, Next Year by Dorothea Benton Franks about an hour ago so I haven't started another book yet. It was very good. I was hooked from the beginning and kept reading like crazy because I HAD to know how it all worked out.

Listening to... I took a client out after work and she discovered the book of homemade CD's I have stashed in the car. I can't remember the last time I actually listened to any of them so it was fun to hear some of them today. Most of them were made the summer my daughter was 14 going on 15...she's 30 going on 31 now.

Watching... Pawn Stars on the History Channel.

Loving... Colton and Leah meeting me nearly every day as I pull into the driveway after work, them coming in and hanging out for a bit to visit and have a snack.

Thinking... there aren't enough hours in a day right now. I've been so busy lately that I'm awfully behind on laundry and cleaning and it's driving me nuts. (Obviously, not nuts enough to be working on it at 9:30 p.m.)

Feeling... happy, is full and life is good.

Celebrating... Mother's Day, of course. Tim made reservations for the whole family (us, our daughter's family, and my mom and stepdad) at the area's most popular Italian restaurant for Sunday. I will get Mom and our daughter cards and hanging baskets.

Grateful for... the life I have. I know it sounds a bit trite, but I was listening to the news driving to work and hearing all the awful things going just slammed me how absolutely good I have it in this life. I hope to never take any of it for granted.

Enjoying... meats cooked on the grill and an increasing variety of fresh fruits and veggies.

Weather... Mostly clear and 59 degrees. Tomorrow is to be sunny and 80.

A funny I want to share... (with apologies to those of you who love all things about the Royals)


  1. Love the photo at the end. I saw one last night on FB that said something about him getting to dress up in his mother's clothes. I about died laughing, it just hit me so funny. Meaning no disrespect, of course, but I am not a big fan of this particular monarch. Sounds like you are doing well and enjoying life and family and work, etc. All good stuff! How nice you will get to go out to eat on Mother's Day together! We don't have any really good restaurants around here that we would attempt to try on Mother's day, as I am sure they will be slammed. So we will probably be right here...maybe grilling. I haven't made any plans and don't know if the kids have either...we may just have peanut butter sandwiches, but I'm not going to do the cooking! LOL. I really don't care as long as we can be together, and I think that will be the case. Have a blessed weekend, whatever you do!!

  2. Hi Stacy. I love this post and the way you are always so upbeat, positive and happy with your life. I learn from you! Your Mother's Day plans sound great. Enjoy the end of the week and the weekend. Happy Mother's Day! See you again soon!

  3. I'm loving all the fruit showing up too. Hope your Mother's Day will be so good. And you are right, we are so very blessed.

  4. That picture of Charles is so funny!! I enjoyed your post, Stacy, and how nice it is to have those two little ones so close that you get to spend so much good time together. What a blessing! xo

  5. Hello, my friend! I am also ready for all the fresh fruits and vegetables! And Steve grilling for dinner! Thank you for reminding me how very blessed we are! Happy Mother's Day!



I am... Reading... The Cinnamon Bun Bookstore,  book two in the Dream Harbor  series by Laurie Gilmore. Watching... nothing. The televisio...