Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Currently In the Middle of June

First of all, how did we get to the middle of June already??? For a month that has been cooler than normal, cloudy and/or smoke filled (choose your day), dry as dust, and lacking any particularly exciting events (it's been too cold to even get in the pool)...it's sure going fast!

We've finally been getting some rain the last couple of days after weeks of dryness. You can almost hear the grass sighing in relief. I am loving sitting here tonight listening to the rain on the roof. Thunderstorms are in the forecast for tomorrow. That was concerning before all this rain. Now I can hope it comes. I love a good thunderstorm.

The grandchildren have been spending time with us. More Colton than Leah, these days. She is in a phase where all she wants is to be at home and with her mommy or daddy. When she does go anywhere else it doesn't last long.

We took Colton to the big community park in Greensburg to see the Vietnam era helicopter on display there. He is very into the military and police right now.

Tim missed his CT-scan last week. I kept saying it was on Thursday. He kept insisting it was on Friday. Thursday evening he started getting everything lined up for it...and discovered it had indeed been scheduled for Thursday. I bit my tongue since he was pretty mad at himself as it was. He called Friday morning and got it rescheduled for July 5.

Our daughter was at the ER again yesterday with abdominal pain. After a CT-scan and an ultrasound they decided she had a cyst on her ovary (she has polycystic ovary syndrome so it's kind of common) and a stomach virus. She was really miserable, but was a lot better today and able to go to work this afternoon.

Leah needs to see the doctor and I was going to take her after work today but she threw such a fit about staying home with her daddy that he and I decided her mommy can take her tomorrow. She had better. Leah has a bite on her leg with a red ring around it. It needs checked to see if it is a tick bite and if she has Lyme. If she does, the quicker they get her on antibiotics, the better.

'Tis the season of used book sales and I went to two this past weekend and passed on a third. Here's part of my haul.

Lots of beginning kids' readers and two Trixie Beldon books I don't have in my set.

Some history books for my stepfather and the books I'm most excited about...four volumes of Charles Spurgeon's sermons. The ones on Revelation, the end times, and heaven and hell should be excellent!

A few devotionals and some rom-coms and cozy mysteries make up the balance. This is only part of what I got.

Right now I'm reading The Forever Girl by Jill Shalvis. It turns out that it's book #6 in a series, but so far it stands alone.

Work continues to bless me. I'm almost giddy some days over how much I love the work I do and the people I work with. My only regret is that I didn't fall into it earlier in life. This week's success was a small playground parachute I purchased at Dollar Tree a couple of years ago. I blew up balloons to put in the middle of it and the clients had so much fun flipping the parachute to make the balloons fly all over the place.

I saw the new live-action version of The Little Mermaid with a client on Saturday. Wow. In all honesty, the original was never one of my favorite Disney movies (apologies to those of you who may love it) but this one was so beautiful and with the digital special effects...a lot more intense. It also gave me some more ideas for my Halloween costume for work, if we stick with our plan for all staff to dress as Disney villains. I was already thinking about Ursula.

With the cooler weather and now the rain, our meals haven't been very summery. Tonight, for example, I picked up rotisserie chicken and we had chicken, mashed potatoes, stuffing, and gravy. It really hit the spot. Big salads are on the menu one night this week. Beyond that, I haven't planned. I do know that on Sunday we are all going out for Fathers' Day.

That's about all that's happening around here. It's been a quiet month so far. I need to wrap this up and head to bed, 5:15 comes around all too soon. 

Have a great week!


  1. I enjoyed catching up with you here. Praying that Leah is okay and that the bug bit isn't a tick bite/Lyme disease, etc. That would not be good. I love that you love your job so much! That is such a blessing! And wow! What a haul on all those books! Amazing! I guess you've got your reading all mapped out for a long time! I recently bought a bunch of Amish series books at our church yard sale. I've probably read some of them years ago, but I don't remember them anymore so it's okay. And yes, there are series that some books are missing but they seem to stand alone okay as well. I'm just glad I'm reading again. I had taken a sabbatical for a while it seems from reading and now I am enjoying it again, even though my eyes still bother me when I read too long. Old age setting in. Anyway, I hope you get some summery weather so you can use the pool and enjoy more of your summer with the kiddos. I bet Colton really loved seeing that helicopter, etc. What little boy wouldn't love that? Fun times. Take care and enjoy your summer!

  2. Hi Stacy. This was a nice catch-up post. We have been so busy with moving and renovating our old house that I have not spent much time in blog last this week. That is such a cute picture of Colton and Leah. I am so glad you get to spend so much time with them. I love your book haul. Fun reads. After moving so many boxes of books (my husband is an avid reader too), I am resolved not to keep so many books when I am finished reading them, but pass them along to others. I find I am also reading much more on the Kindle app on my phone, and listening wot audiobooks as I do other activities. I am so glad you love your job. Having a job you love makes life sweeter and I am glad that yours is such a good fit for you. I hope Tim's CT scan goes well and provides the doctor good information. Sorry to hear that your daughter was in so much pain and had to go to the ER, but I am glad she is feeling better. We are also having a cooler than normal summer with almost daily rainstorms. Enjoy the rest of week. See you again soon!

  3. Hi Stacy, I just came back from watching the Little Mermaid and I enjoyed it, but my granddaughter said there were too many changes. She thought Eric was cute and so did I! That is a lot of books to read. I still have my Trixie Belden books. I guess I should read them and then let them go since non of my girls were interested in them. I love how you love your job. I hope goes well for your husband's test. Have fun with your grands this summer!

  4. Poor Leah! I hope the bite will be nothing bad. Also sorry for her momma having such pain with the cyst. Prayers!! Glad Tim got the CT Scan rescheduled quickly! It is so great that your new job is bringing you such joy! I am happy for you, Stacy!! xo



It's 10:00 on Sunday evening. The weekend has come to an end. It was a lovely fall weekend. Perfect, actually. I'm enjoying the last...