Thursday, June 15, 2023

Thankful Thursday

Once again I find myself coming in late with a Thankful Thursday post. I'm just going to accept that if I'm going to keep working full-time this will be the norm. I toyed briefly with thoughts about letting the blog go, but like Rebecca, blogging and I go waaaay back. This is the 21st year I've been blogging. There are just too many memories and too many friends that I'd miss to let it go completely. So, if you can deal with my sporadic and late posts I'll keep hanging in there and post and visit when I can.


This week I have been blessed and am so thankful for:

** Rain. We were in drought conditions here after weeks of no rain. We got enough good, soaking rain this week that when I was outback this evening I noticed a 5-gallon bucket Tim had left sitting out was completely filled!

** Cooler temperatures. Well, I am telling myself I'm thankful for those. It really hasn't felt much like summer yet with daytime temps in the 60s or very low 70s and nightime temps in the 40s, but it has kept the drought from being any worse. 

** Our daughter standing up for herself. The awful boss and the "mean girls" at her job have quit. When she found out new hires who were no more qualified than she is were making nearly $2/hour more than she is, she went to management and talked with them. The outcome is that she is finally getting to begin training to become a med tech and getting the appropriate raise. It's a huge thing for someone who struggles with anxiety and self-confidence. We're so proud of her.

** The results of Leah's trip to Med Express. We found what looked like a bite on her leg Sunday evening. A bite with a red circle around it. Ticks and Lyme disease are a huge problem in this area so it was definitely a big concern. I guess they didn't test her, which I wish they had, but they went ahead and wrote out a script for an antibiotic but told our daughter not to have it filled or give it to her unless the bite/circle got bigger. They said it looked like a tick bite, but couldn't be sure. A little weird, but at least if it gets worse or she shows symptoms she has the prescription in hand.

** Church. It seems that life (ie., my family) conspire to keep me from going to church at this time of year and when I do get there I'm often scheduled to be in the nursery. I was feeling a bit disconnected. It was so good to get there and sit in the service and visit with people this past Sunday.

** Nature. From the little baby bunnies I see hopping all over the yard to the chirpy little bird who gave me quite a piece of his (her?) mind from the roof this afternoon...I love all the variety of God's creation.

** A meeting with a financial advisor. I was able to meet with the man who handles that for my employer today. We had quite a chat and he explained some things very clearly and helped me make the best decision about my retirement account. Tim has one, but I've never had a job that offered one before. I feel so grown up!

** Books! I went to two used book sales last weekend and today I went to the final day of the sale my mom helps with. Today was $5/bag day. I filled a bag...a few were for me, but the majority are Amish stories for a client at work. I'm set for quite a while with reading and it's nice to be able to do something nice for someone else.

I'm the second from the left.
** The rare chance to impress our grandson. He is into military and police stuff right now and he's very focused on jets right now as our airport is having an airshow this weekend. Usually they have the Blue Angels, but this year the Thunderbirds are here. We are not far, about 2 miles as the crow flies, from the airport and we are lined up with the approach to the runway. When the flying teams come to town we are usually treated to a great show from our own yard. Anyway, that's where Colt's mind is and yesterday I showed him photos from my years in Civil Air Patrol of me with the Blue Angels. He didn't say much, but I heard today that he was highly impressed. It made me smile.

** The safety of family who live in the storm zone down south.

There is so much more I am thankful for, but we'd be here all night and looking at the time I see that I really need to wrap this up and head to bed or I will be grumbling when my alarm goes off in the morning.

I hope you are having a wonderful week and look forward to catching up with you over the weekend.

Blessings to you!


  1. Hi Stacy. I am glad you decided to keep blogging. I love reading your posts and feel like you and I have a lot in common. My oldest daughter was in Civil Air Patrol when she was in high school. It's a good program. More kids need to be in something like that. I am glad your grandson thought your being in Civil Air Patrol was cool! We have had a rainy week here and it has kept our temperatures cool as well, which has been lovely as we are moving heavy boxes and furniture into our house. So glad you got to attend church and have a good experience with God. You have a lot to be grateful for. I know you are busy, but I am sure glad you took the time to share. Have a good weekend. See you again soon!

  2. Glad you're staying. I've been thinking the same way, but I've decided to stay too, for now. Glad you were able to enjoy service and visiting at church this past Sunday. Take care and have a great weekend.

  3. Oh my goodness, how I would miss you if you closed down your blog!! Just post when you can and your friends will be happy!! I always enjoy your thankful posts! Congrats to your daughter for the good outcome of her courageous requests!! Crazy that the medical personnel seemed to gloss over that tic bite. Hope your little sweetheart doesn't have problems from it. Keep us posted, please!! xo

  4. Hi Stacy, yes keep blogging and visiting. I enjoy your post. I like your background picture. I live in the city and enjoy the country pictures. I hope your husband and Leah feel better soon. Glad things are working out better for your daughter too. Enjoy your weekend!

  5. I'm working our local library book sale and we're doing the $5/bag thing for the first time this year. It's on the last day. I'd never heard of this before and was a little nervous about it. ("Her bag is bigger than mine!") Hearing you've gone through it makes me feel better.

    PS I gave you a shoutout this week for what you wrote about my oldest friend. I would not only miss your blog, I'd miss your comments on mine.



The weathe r... the It's a bit breezy, making a perfectly acceptable 38 degrees feel more like 28 degrees. It's still a darn sight b...