Thursday, June 1, 2023

Thankful Thursday

Coming in just under the wire once again with my Thankful Thursday offering.

This week finds me thankful...

** the grands have finished the school year and today was the first day of their summer vacation.

** fun times in the pool with the kiddos...even though the water is still not very warm at 77 degrees. Both are doing great this year and not at all afraid. They are paddling all over the place with their life jackets on.

** a good day in the church nursery. The twins only cried for their mommy for a couple of minutes and then they were fine.

** the bug that got Colton sent home early the next-to-last day of school and kept him from attending the last day wasn't serious and is already a memory.

** Mom went to the ER early Tuesday morning because her "insides felt like jello." Many tests came back negative and she is feeling fine. She has a follow-up with her PCP next week, but it doesn't appear to have been anything serious.

** Our great-nephew (the one with the rare genetic condition) graduated from 4th grade this week and while he is still considered immunocompromised, he was able to go to school and participate in the ceremony. His latest check-up was great! Hopefully, by fall he will be able to go back to school like a normal kid. The big hang-up right now is that after all he's been through he has to get ALL of his childhood immunizations all over again. They can only be given certain intervals and it will take the whole summer to get them done.

** I had a big break through with one of my autism clients today. He was really wired this morning and I was expecting a rough day, but what we had was a day filled with firsts. He hugged me (more than once), held hands with another worker, played a game, and was more productive than he's ever been. It's so awesome to see the progress!

** Lots of good books lined up for summer reading and two used book sales on the calendar. I'm ahead on my Goodreads reading challenge this year. Woohoo!

** God has blessed me with my family and friends (both in-person and online), a job I love, decent health, and the privilege of being an American.


  1. Many blessings for you this week. I love how you always find the positives in simple, everyday life. I hope you have a great weekend!

  2. So many good things for you. Glad you guys are already enjoying the summer. Hope you have a great weekend.

  3. A fantastic list, Stacy! How great to see so much progress in one day with your autistic client. That has to feel so great! I'm happy Colton's illness didn't last long and that your mom's tests came back okay. Have a great weekend!

  4. I love your list of blessings! They are many and wonderful! Glad school is out for the summer. How wonderful you can enjoy the pool with your grandkids! Such a joy!! And amazing breakthroughs with the client. That is wonderful. Glad your daughter is okay. Sounds like a lot of good stuff happening. Have a blessed and wonderful summer.



I am... Reading... The Cinnamon Bun Bookstore,  book two in the Dream Harbor  series by Laurie Gilmore. Watching... nothing. The televisio...