Monday, July 31, 2023


... sitting in my recliner, playing on the laptop, while sort of watching reruns of The Big Bang Theory. There's much I could/should be doing, but if we're keeping it honest...I just don't want to tonight.

... comfortable as the outside temperature is 69 degrees this evening after a comfortable 80 degree day. We've had tons of rain in the past week, but it did finally bring the humidity and temperature down.

... still reflecting on and basking in the fun of yesterday when we celebrated our granddaughter's 4th birthday with a BIG party. The grandparents all kicked in to help hire a company that comes in with a foam cannon. They blow bubbles and blast dance music for two hours. Our daughter and her husband also rented a 35-foot shark slip'n'slide. It was such a fun time for everyone...even the adults!

... thinking about all I have to do to get ready to go to my biological dad's family reunion this weekend. Tim and I are going up to Erie on Friday and taking the grandkiddos with us. Our daughter and her husband were supposed to come up Saturday morning and stay until Sunday. They have decided to skip it. Too bad. I think it's going to be a great weekend and the kids will have a good time.

... still worried about my mom. She was finally diagnosed with Lyme disease last week and is on a 3-week course of heavy duty antibiotics because for her it has caused weakness, fluid in her chest, headaches, and I don't know what all else. Yesterday a party guest who is a nurse pointed out there is some moderate drooping on one side of her face. It's probably just Bell's Palsy, which they really don't do anything about, but it should probably be checked out to be sure she doesn't have any neurological damage. This news seemed to further demoralize her. The last few weeks have turned her into a frail little old woman. I sure hope she bounces back.

... still reading the same book. There hasn't been much time to read this past week.

... in the kitchen we enjoyed summer fare this evening. I roasted a pork tenderloin and we had my "crack zucchini" and corn-on-the-cob. Yum! That zucchini is called "crack" for a reason. I ate way too much of it.

... giggling at these:


  1. Hi Stacy. Your granddaughter's birthday party looks so fun! I hope you have a wonderful time at the family reunion. I am so glad you will be able to go. I hope you will share about your experience on your blog. So sorry to hear that your mom isn't doing well. I will pray for her healing and recovery. See you again soon.

  2. What a fun party! I thought about renting a bouncy house or slide for my granddaughter's 8th birthday and the foam looks cool and fun. And those memes are hilarious! Have a great day :)

  3. Hello! That party looked so fun! My goodness! I have never seen something like that, and I love it! So sorry about your mother. Prayers for her.

  4. I loved the funnies at the end. I am sorry about your Mom. That sounds very unpleasant and difficult. I will be praying for her. I hope you have a wonderful weekend at your family gathering. I am sorry your daughter and son in law decided not to attend, but am glad you will have the kiddos with you. That birthday party looks like it was a real blast!! What fun!!! Please take care and enjoy your weekend. Be sure to take lots of pictures!

  5. That party looks like fun. Sending prayers about your Mom. So sorry this happened. May she heal soon.
    And the funnies were great.
    Blessings To All Y'all. *giggle* xx

  6. praying for your mom. Lyme is tough. The party looks so cool!

  7. Good giggles!! Safe travels to the reunion and back! I am excited for you and look forward to hearing about it. Sorry your daughter decided to stay home but the kids will have fun, I'm sure! Sorry to hear about your mom's health concerns. I hope they get the infection under control quickly and that she bounces back. Those bubbles look like so much fun and the birthday cake is really great!! xo


Saturday 9: Flowers

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it   here .   1) In this song, Miley Cyrus sings about gold as though it represents the best. Do ...