Friday, July 7, 2023

Saturday 9: Mercy

Saturday 9: Mercy (2013)

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.
1) In this song, Shawn Mendes pleads with the girl he loves to be careful with his heart. Clearly he feels she's more important to him than he is to her. Do you believe that, in every relationship, someone always loves more?  I've never really thought about it before, but I don't think that's necessarily so. I think we will all love differently, but unless it's absolutely glaringly do you quantify love to say one is less than another?

2) He says that he'd willingly drive through the night just to be near her. Do you enjoy your time behind the wheel? Or do you consider driving necessary but not necessarily pleasurable?  I don't hate it, but I don't love it like I used to. If the drive is long enough I usually end up stiff and sore these days and who enjoys that?!
3) He acknowledges that she has good intentions, but she hurt him anyway. Can you think of a time when you unintentionally hurt someone's feelings?  Sure, not that I'm going to get into it here. We are all human and less than perfect. I believe that means that sooner or later, no matter how much we don't want to or how hard we try not to, we will always eventually hurt or disappoint the people in our lives.
4) Shawn Mendes was a serious skateboarder during his high school years. Crazy Sam admits she's never even been, on a skateboard. How about you? Are you more like Shawn or Sam, or are you somewhere in between?  I've tried it a time or two back when I was a kid, but never enough to be good at it. Now just thinking about it makes me hurt in lots of places.

5) While in his teens, he taught himself to play guitar while watching YouTube videos. Do you spend a lot of time on YouTube? If yes, what type of videos do you watch most often?  We watch YouTube a lot in the coarse of my work. We use it for music and educational videos as well as movies.

6) When he's traveling or busy working, Shawn eats cold cereal for every meal -- breakfast, lunch and dinner. He says it's fast, tasty, and better than the fast food he'd grab otherwise. Will you be getting any meals "to go" this weekend?  We just had Chinese take-out tonight (Friday), but I doubt we will eat out otherwise this weekend.
7) In 2016, the year this song was popular, Game of Thrones was TV's hottest show. Were you a fan?  I never watched it. 
8) Also in 2016, a German shorthaired pointer won Best in Show at the Westminster Dog Show. Tell us about a dog who holds a special place in your heart.  Our old hound dog, Elvis, was such a sweetheart. He would have made a great therapy dog, but as it was, he bore the burden of Megan's and my tears. He was such a big lug...soft, huggable, and he had wonderfully silky ears we liked to rub. To say we were heartbroken when he left us is an understatement. Our daughter, who had cried on him all through her turbulent teens and early twenties, was absolutely distraught.

9) Random question: What's in the subject line of the top email in your spam folder?  "You have won a $500 Southwest Airlines gift card!"

Thanks, as always, to Crazy Sam for the music and questions!
Join in the fun here.


  1. So nice to find there is someone else who didn't get into "Game of Thrones."

  2. Your Elvis sounds like my Tommy, a mostly white cat with a gray ear and gray tail who was my best friend and confidante throughout my teens. Some critters just burrow deep into our hearts, don't they?
    So where are you going with that Southwest gift card? :)

  3. The traffic here is horrendous and a 10-15 min to work is taking 30-45 I really hate driving now, lol. I hope you have a beautiful weekend, Stacy. smiles

  4. #2 Yup, same here. The 4 hour drive to the Cape makes it hard to get out of the car.
    #8 That is one of the reasons I never got another dog, it was just too hard on a 10 yo when we had to out down our dog.

  5. Minnie is our last dog. Just too hard to say goodbye. I love the background on your blog. I think I could drive longer if my rear did not hurt. Not enough padding!

  6. Saying goodbye to our furbabies is always hard. Interesting questions this week and I enjoyed reading your answers, Stacy. xo

  7. Wow, you won a trip! How special is that? ::insert eye roll:: I get stiff in the car, too, these days. We take a lot of breaks when we travel.

  8. I love that answer to question 1. Perfect, and well.. just perfect.


Currently...the Baby It's Cold Outside Edition

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