Sunday, August 6, 2023


... back at home following a major fail of a weekend. I had been so looking forward to going to my biological father's family reunion and meeting his remaining sibling and a ton of cousins, as well as seeing him and at least two of my siblings. Tim and I took the grandkids along with the plan to spend some time at the beach with them. It was apparently not meant to be.

We arrived in Erie early Friday afternoon and were able to spend a couple of hours at the beach until we were able to check into the hotel. Then we went to our niece's home in Girard, went out to dinner with her family, and then sat around a bonfire in her backyard while Colton and Leah had a ball with their cousins. We were off to a great start. And then I woke up at 3:30 Saturday morning sick as a dog. I spent all of Saturday in the hotel room sleeping and running for the bathroom. Tim and the kids did get out to the beach once more and checked out the maritime museum and library as well as the water front.

By this morning I was done running to the bathroom, but still pretty wiped out from the whole thing. Our planned day at the beach had to be scrapped because I just wasn't up to it. The kids were really good about it and didn't give us any grief about leaving first thing. We were home by 12:30. Spent the afternoon sleeping then went to pick up Daisy from my mom's. I've done a couple of loads of laundry and I'm eating real food. I guess I'm on my way back to normal.

... planning to go back to Erie in a couple of weeks for my birthday getaway. We will stay with Tim's sister (whose birthday is 3 days before mine) so if I do get sick, at least we won't have wasted money on a hotel. We are also thinking maybe to do a one day, up and back, trip with the kids and Megan and Cody. It would be a long day, but it's doable, and the kids would get their full day at the beach.

... reading The Midnight Library by Matt Haig. 

From the back cover: "We all have regrets--choices we could have made differently, paths we didn't take, other lives we might have led. But what if you were given a chance to fix your past? Enter The Midnight Library.
     Nora's life has been going from bad to worse. Then at the stroke of midnight on her last day on earth, she finds herself transported to The Midnight Library, where each book contains an alternate life: a possible world in which she made different choices. She is given what seems like the ultimate opportunity: a chance to undo her regrets and try out each of the other lives she might have lived. But things aren't always what she imagined they'd be, and soon her choices place the library and herself in extreme danger. 
     Before time runs out, she must answer the ultimate question: With infinite choices, what is the best way to live?

It's not my usual type of book, but I have to say it's interesting and I'm hooked. I want to find out what happens.

... my mom seems to be doing much better! She seemed like her old self today when we picked up Daisy.

... we had a bit of rain late this afternoon which cooled it off to a comfortable 74.

... back to work tomorrow. Boo.


  1. I'm so sorry to hear your planned festivities were sidelined! Knock wood that bug was just a passing thing.
    Midnight Library sounds like something intriguing; I've already put it on my 'wish' list!

  2. So sorry about the illness. I sounds like the tummy virus I had around May 19th. Man, did it leave me empty and weak! At least I did have to throwup. Ugh. I pray you're better now. Hope you can make another journey up to Erie before winter hits.
    That book sounds good! Do give a review when convenient. I would like to know if it's worth the read.
    God bless and get well soon. xx

    1. "Did not" have to throwup not "did". Fat fingers. lolol

  3. I am so sad for you that your reunion time with your biological family had to be scrapped. Will you get some time with him before he leaves the area? I'm glad you are on the mend and feeling so much better. Also glad your mom is doing better. Praise God! Take care!!

  4. I am so sorry, my friend. It sounds like the horrible stomach bug. I am sorry you missed the reunion. I am happy you are feeling better, and I hope you are able to rest and recover. Hugs!

  5. I am so sorry that your reunion didn't come off! Still, you've got a good book, good news about your mom and fresh laundry. (I know when I'm sick, clean pjs and sheets make all the difference!)


Saturday 9: Flowers

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it   here .   1) In this song, Miley Cyrus sings about gold as though it represents the best. Do ...