Saturday, August 12, 2023

Sunday Stealing: This Time Last Year

Welcome to Sunday Stealing. This feature originated and published on WTIT: The Blog. Here we will steal all types of questions from every corner of the blogosphere. Our promise to you is that we will work hard to find the most interesting and intelligent questions. Cheers to all of us thieves.

Stolen from The League of Extraordinary Pen Pals

1. Things I would do first if I won a billion dollar lottery.  Pay off all debt, give to the church and favorite charities, pay off our daughter's mortgage, set up accounts for our daughter and grandchildren, remodel our home and add on, and travel.

2. Something I probably spend too much money on.  Books and Amazon.

3. How I feel about the dentist.  Go to see him isn't my favorite thing, but my current dentist, while not the most personable man, is very good and very fast...and he lets you make payments (after the fact, not before) on major work.

4. Foods I am most picky about.  I'm really not picky about food. There are foods I don't like, but I'm not picky otherwise. The result of a dad who made me sit at the table until I cleaned my plate, I guess.

5. Internet friends / penpals I want to visit in person.  I'd love to meet all my blogging friends in person!

6. My healthiest habits.  I try to eat healthy meals. I keep up with medical things. I'm trying to exercise more. I don't know...I don't think my habits are terribly healthy at the moment.

7. Easiest, low effort foods and snacks for busy days.  Salads, pastas, pizza, take-out.

8. Where I go in summer to unwind.  The living room, the deck, and the pool.

9. My comfort books, tv shows, and movies.  My go-to books are the Bible and Little Women. Shows are The Big Bang Theory and any decorating show. For movies I have to go with Dirty Dancing.

10. A list of good things.  Working with special needs individuals, hugs from my grandchildren, laughing with friends, rainy days, picking up shells at the beach, flea markets, crisp fall days...

11. Favorite places to take photos.  Wherever I am with family.

12. The routines and habits I stick to most.  The only real routine I think I have is my one for getting ready for work in the morning. You can probably set your clock by me.

13. Topics I’d love to learn more about.  The Bible/religion, history (it all fascinates me), psychology.

14. This time last year...  I wasn't employed so I was enjoying my summer with the grandkids.

15. Favorite memories of someone I’ve lost.  I have so many of my grandmother that I don't even know where to start. She was more of a mother figure to me than my mom was and she was my biggest supporter, my soft place to land, and for many years my go-to person. I miss her every day.


  1. I miss my grandmas too. I was close to both of them. I have special items from both of them that I treasure. I like your list if you won the lottery. I would buy a new house with a pool!

  2. I didn't think of pizza for a quick meal! I love how you wrote about your grandmother. Very touching.

  3. My paternal grandmother taught me how to play canasta and was my Sunday school teacher. She died when I was 11.

  4. I just love wrote you about your grandmother and the pool sounds great to me, I still don't have a pool yet...and hubby is fighting over that as he doesn't want one because it will ruin the/his precious grass. LOL

  5. I frequently dream of my paternal grandmother. We were close.

  6. how nice to have time with your grandkids. Ours are now 11 and 15 and too old for grandma hugs and live 400 miles away so I rarely see them.

  7. We've both gotten picky about not eating out any more. Food is so expensive and doesn't taste as good as what is cooked at home.
    I have only fragments of memories of my mother who died when I was 10. It's like I've blocked it all out, or something. I wish I could remember her. My Grandma that everyone called Mum Mum was really special. She was one of the few that treated me like family. Mum Mum was so tenderhearted.
    Fun post. xx

  8. I enjoyed your answers, Stacy. Dirty Dancing is a favorite movie of mine, too. It is nice that you have such great memories of a loving grandmother. I am looking forward to lunch with my granddaughter this coming Saturday. I feel blessed that she is happy to give me her time on a Saturday every couple of months and that we have a place to meet halfway for each of us. I will meet you in person one of these days!! Wishing you a blessed week!!

  9. I enjoyed reading your answers. A pool would be wonderful!


Saturday 9: Flowers

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it   here .   1) In this song, Miley Cyrus sings about gold as though it represents the best. Do ...