Tuesday, January 2, 2024

A Day Book

Well, here we are already 2 days into a new year. 2024...wow. Growing up the year 2000 seemed so impossibly far away and the age I'd be (36) sounded so ancient. Now we are 24 years past that. So many things that were science fiction then have, not only come to pass, but they are part of our daily lives. The three biggies my teachers promised that are missing are colonies on the moon, cities under the ocean, and flying cars like the Jetsons had. Though, I have to admit, when I see how my fellow humans behave on the highways...it's probably not a bad thing that they aren't flying around in the sky.

As always, I have high hopes for this new year. I always go into a new year being sure it will be MY year. So far, this year is not starting well, but I'm not going to hold present circumstances against it. 

If you're wondering what I'm talking about, I woke up sick on New Year's Day. In the afternoon my daughter brought me a covid test and, sure enough, positive. So I am home and already using my newly restocked PTO days. The good news is that I don't feel too bad, all things considered. I rank it at about the same level as a bad cold or a mild case of the flu. I don't have a fever, just body aches and congestion. Good thing because I can't see a doctor because I have covid and the new doctor I'm trying to get established with won't phone in a prescription without seeing me. I ended up calling my old doctor's office to see if they will phone something in. They'll get back to me. Sigh.


Outside My Window... It's gray and cold (34 degrees) with a few remnants of yesterday's snow on the ground. I think it was only our second dusting of snow this winter. Winters sure aren't what they used to be. Oh, we still get a nasty storm now and then, but we don't seem to have a solid winter season. When I was growing up it seemed to last from late November until April.

My One Word... I'm having trouble narrowing it down to one. I'm down to two, but both are big words for me. Can a person have two One Words? The words are "Action" and "Healthy." Healthy is kind of obvious. I've had some health challenges this past year and I've regained the weight I had lost. I'm tired of being in pain and being limited by that pain. Action also feels obvious because I need to take action to be healthy, but also because I am a terrible procrastinator in all things.

Books Waiting to Be Read... The 12 Books of Christmas, The Last Chance Library, Friends Lovers & the Big Terrible Thing, The Book Woman of Troublesome Creek...and so many more! I surpassed my Goodreads reading goal for 2023 so I set my 2024 goal at the number of books I read in 2023. I'll aim to pass that number.

Worth Watching... We watched some new (to us) shows and movies through the holidays. Some were better than others, but all were worth watching. Among them were Reacher, Jack Ryan, Shrinking, and The Family Plan. 

A Gift I'm Giving Myself... A dear friend from high school took up painting as a way to get through her battle with cancer. She is in remission now, but she continues to paint. Some of her art is rather unique (she paints on autumn leaves, tin cans and many other things) but some is traditional and her talent continues to grow. She posted her latest painting on Facebook this morning and while I know it isn't the most skillful painting ever, it reminds me very vividly of my grandmother with whom I was very close. So I contacted my friend and she agreed to sell it to me! I think it's beautiful.

In the Kitchen... There isn't much happening in the kitchen at the moment, because...covid. At least there are lots of leftovers from the New Year's Eve party we had. When I am back to cooking there are going to be some changes. Aiming at that goal of getting healthier I'm going to be giving Weight Watchers a try and rethinking how and what I cook.

The Closest I'm Coming to a Resolution... This all goes back to the health issues and the procrastination. I had begun to make inroads into the clutter around here, but that has all stopped and I hate it. Oh, the main rooms aren't too bad, but our bedroom and my office make me cringe...and the rest could definitely benefit from some "tweaking." I want to bring order to it all. The clutter in those rooms just gets under my skin and keeps me from enjoying them.

Things that Give Me Joy... At the top of the list is my relationship with the Lord. After that, other things are: a snowy day; a cozy room with lots of books; spending time with my family and friends; my grandchildren's laughter; getting a job done; words...I love wordplay and a well turned phrase; quiet, alone times in nature; surprises; a delicious meal; a great song that makes me want to dance; memories of those who have passed; my pets. I'm sure the list could go on and on.

A Thought...

I've found this to be so true. Whatever tough things come our way they never seem to end until we learn from them.

A Giggle...


  1. I thought the Fauci Juice was supposed to eliminate covid?! No? *wink* I'm so thankful to have given up sugar/carb's. Not only did I lose weight but I haven't been sick in over 4 years 'cause I've been exposed to the Chinese virus. I was sick of being sick. I'll never go back to eating processed food and sugar. First thing I had to do was admit that I'm an (sugar) addict than walk away from the cycle of bondage. Anyway, you are such a sweet gal. I pray you're well soon and stay that way.
    The giggles!!!! lol
    Blessings. xx

  2. Hello, my friend. I am sorry you are sick. It seems everyone is. I also woke up yesterday feeling a little weird. Got sick last night. Negative Covid test. Just feel 'yuck'. Fell better soon, and watch the weather. Maybe a snowstorm?!?

  3. So sorry you are sick with covid. I've avoided it for a year now. Thanks for the giggles at the end. Take care, Stacy!! xo

  4. Oh I am so sorry you are sick with the ugly Covid. Praying it will be light and go away quickly. Please rest while you can and don't worry about stuff in the bedrooms, etc. Just take care of YOU first. That can wait until you are feeling better. I have a lot of clutter in our guest room, where I wrapped Christmas gifts and left a big mess. If we had unexpected overnight guests they'd have to help me find the bed. I pray things will get back to some kind of normal for you soon. but just take it easy now. This too shall pass. We love you and are thankful you are our friend here in blogland. Oh, and that painting is beautiful I think! Especially when I hear about the artist. Amazing!! Glad you bought it.

  5. Hi Stacy, I am sorry you got Covid. Darn thing keeps mutating and that is the nature of most viruses. Back in the 70's when I was in college, the professor said that war would not be the big killer. The microscopic world would cause more long term damage. Nothing surprises me anymore. I find I am a procrastinator more now. Probably because I am retired and older. I agree about getting healthy. Feel better soon!

  6. Hi Stacy. Covid - no fun. So sorry you are dealing with that. I hope that you feel better very soon and that you can be back to work and doing whatever else you need and want to do. I have clutter I need to clear up in some rooms as well. I am going to try to lose a few pounds in 2024 too. I hope you are well soon and that 2024 is a good year for you.

  7. Hey Stacy. Sorry about the Covid. We managed somehow to miss it even with the interaction with my niece who woke up with it Christmas Day. No one got it from her, but we've all had all but the last shot so I'm hoping we have some immunity there. Hope you are feeling better soon. I have procrastination issues, too. I'm not sure there's a cure for that. :-) Happy New Year! Feel better soon.



The weathe r... the It's a bit breezy, making a perfectly acceptable 38 degrees feel more like 28 degrees. It's still a darn sight b...