Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Another Update

Well, I was still at home today. Still coughing uncontrollably. I called my PCP's office to check in today just like he told me to do. Only to find out he wasn't even in the office today and no one seemed to have any idea what was going on with me. 

Not my finest moment, but I kind of threw a fit and asked just how they expected to know what's wrong with me or get me better if no one ever sees me in person?

Guess what? I have an in-person appointment tomorrow morning. It's with one of the PA's rather than my doctor, but at least a live person is going to look at me. I have been sick all of January at this point and have used up all but 2 of my vacation days for the year (my work's policy is that if you call off, even with a dr's excuse, you have to use your PTO time if you have it). Enough is enough.

I'll let you know how it goes.


  1. Oh, Stacy, I am so sorry to hear this. But I am so thankful you finally have an appointment. I pray they can give you something to help this thing move on out and get you back to "normal". Praying now. (((hugs))) from a distance!

  2. To use our Southern vernacular, there's nothing like a good hissy fit to get someone's attention. I'm quite good at that too. Well done you. Prayers & hugs for healing. May someone help you soon and you get the right answers!! xxxxxxx

  3. I'm so sorry you are still sick, Stacy. Glad you are seeing a real person tomorrow and hope she is able to help you with this. Do please keep us posted. xo

  4. Hi Stacy. So sorry you still aren't feeling well. It is so frustrating that your doctor is so inattentive and that you have had to use up almost all of your vacation time. I don't blame you at all for being upset. I would have been too. Keeping you in prayer for health and healing. Please keep us all updated. See you again soon!

  5. Hello, my friend. I am so sorry you aren't feeling well. Good for you for advocating for yourself. Three of us are coughing here. It is exhausting. It really seems as if everyone everywhere is sick. Get well soon!!!


Saturday 9: Flowers

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it   here .   1) In this song, Miley Cyrus sings about gold as though it represents the best. Do ...