Monday, January 22, 2024


Cough, cough, cough. That about sums it up as to what I'm currently doing and what I've been doing all weekend. Much to my dismay, I called off work again today and plan to call my new doctor's office to see if they can fit me in. I don't want to see the crew at MedExpress again if I don't have to, but enough is enough. I'm miserable and in all honestly, pretty gross.


Reading... Well, going to start reading Murder at the Bookstore (Book 1 in the Bookstore Mystery Series) by Sue Minix and Aging with Grace: Flourishing in an Anti-aging Culture by Sharon W. Betters and Susan Hunt. The first is for fun. The second is for the women's reading group at church. In case I'm well enough to participate.

Watching... Yesterday I spent most of the day watching a Laverne & Shirley marathon on Cozy Comedy via the Frndly streaming service. Unlike so many shows I remember as being hysterical then watch again only to find they didn't hold up over time, the girls did not disappoint. Sad, though, that I think the guy who played Lenny is the only member of the core cast still alive.

Listening... to nothing (except my own coughing). It's really quiet this morning. And the sun is actually coming up! We haven't seen that in a while.

Thinking... I hope our grandson is feeling better today. His mom took him to get checked out yesterday because he had been complaining of headaches and stomach aches and then started spiking a fever. Turns out he is constipated (explains the stomach ache) and has to take Miralax 3 times a day until the problem is solved. However, he also tested positive for Influenza A.

Grateful... we finally got the Christmas decorations down yesterday. It took us all day, but we did it. Slow and steady won the race. They'd been up so long it seems so strange to have them gone.

Looking forward... to the arrival of our new sofa and chair-and-a-half later this week. I was going stir crazy on Saturday so we stepped out for a little bit of fresh air and a change of scenery. It was only supposed to be a trip to Walmart for a few things we needed, but I wasn't coughing quite as bad. So, armed with a pocket full of cough drops and tissues we decided to look at sofas. I love the sectional I bought 2 years ago at an auction for $50, but it just hasn't held up to constant use by the family or Tim's tendency to sleep part of the night on it. We caught the New Year's sales so got a good deal on the two pieces. 

Oh, and temperatures around 50 degrees this week. Even if rain is coming with them. I've had enough of the deep freeze!

Feeling... I guess, hopeful, other than the yuckiness already mentioned.

Wondering... if I'll have enough energy to make a big pot of chicken noodle soup today. It sounds so good and would probably help my congestion at least a little.



  1. Ugh, I'm sorry to hear you're still dealing with this crud ... and Colton, too! That second book (Aging with Grace) sounds interesting. I'm definitely right there on the aging part, but how graceful leaves a lot to be desired!

  2. So sorry you're still so sick! And now your grandson too. I pray the Miralax works. I use that once a week (1/2 a cap instead of whole one). It does what it's supposed to do and I have few "issues". Prayers for you both.
    It's good to have the decorations down. Once less thing to have to deal with.
    Still giggling at the graphics.
    Again, get well soon. I wish I could do something to help.
    Blessings. xx

  3. So sorry that you are still sick and that your grandson is too. I hope you both feel better really soon. At least, you still have tour sense of humor...the funnies are really good. Take care my friend.

  4. Those funnies at the end are hilarious. Glad you've kept your sense of humor through all the yuckiness. I am sorry to hear about your grandson, but glad they figured out what was wrong. Praying you will soon be on the mend, but take your time and don't push it. I am sure you are happy to have the Christmas stuff put away. I know I didn't really want to do it, but once I did I was so happy I did and now I am enjoying all the space and not so much clutter for a while. I might get used to it...Of course, that is really only in one room...everything else is still cluttered, but that's me. Please take care and eat that chicken soup. Saying a little prayer for you now.

  5. The giggles at the end are so great! I'm just so sad that you are still feeling so bad, Stacy! New furniture coming is kind of exciting! Pictures, please, when you get them in place. I hope you got your soup made. It does help when you feel so sick. Hugs!

  6. I hope you feel better soon. Being sick is no fun. Your new furniture sounds really great. Please post pictures. Have a good week. See you again soon!


Saturday 9: Flowers

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it   here .   1) In this song, Miley Cyrus sings about gold as though it represents the best. Do ...