Monday, June 17, 2024


The weather... 76 degrees and humid at 9:15 pm. A little warm for this time of year, but an improvement over this afternoon's 94 degrees. We are going through a heat wave this week with temperatures over 90 every day...possibly pushing 100 degrees a couple of days.

Reading... Marguerite, Misty, and Me: A Horse Lover's Hunt for the Hidden History of Marguerite Henry and Her Chincoteague Pony. I was a horsey girl growing up and I loved Marguerite Henry's books, especially Misty of Chincoteague. After learning Chincoteague was a real place, it became what you could call my "holy grail." At this point in life I've been to Chincoteague Island several times and it is my happy place. So a chance to learn more about the woman and the pony who gave me that gift is wonderful!

Watching... a lot of the mysteries on the Hallmark Mysteries channel.

Thinking about... Tim's health. Most of you know he's not really felt well for several years but all tests have shown nothing wrong beyond, perhaps, a vitamin deficiency. Recently, however, he's been experiencing shortness of breath with any exertion. That prompted him to call the doctor I've been seeing and get an appointment. They sent him for blood work, chest x-rays, and a stress test. 

The results are not great, but we do feel we are finally making progress. The blood work showed he is anemic and his sugar is elevated. The x-rays showed his heart is "slightly" enlarged. The stress test was fine. Sort of. It didn't show anything but he couldn't catch his breath during it. So now he has to go for cardiopulmonary testing. That will be on July 17. In the meantime, he goes to work but at home does nothing but sleep or watch TV. He just doesn't have any energy. I'm pretty sure that pure stubbornness is all that gets him through the work day.

Feeling... a bit discouraged.

Looking forward... to the weekend and having no plans.

That's it for now. Have a great week and be careful if you're in this heatwave, too!


  1. Hi Stacy. I hope that the doctor can help Tim. It is always good to get answers and have good information so proper decisions can be made. You and Tim are in my prayers.

  2. Prayers for Tim! I know what that sounds like but I'm not medical. Steve (my husband) had the same symptoms before his triple by-pass in December 2018. Whatever it is I pray it's an easy "fix" without surgery. Keep us posted when convenient please? Blessings to you all sister in Christ. 💙

  3. Poor Tim - I know he's not felt well in awhile. I will say - as someone who is severely anemic - the symptoms that can cause are long listed... & can have real effects on a daily life. Hoping you're finally getting some answers!

  4. You must be relieved that Tim is finally getting some answers. Sending much love to you.

  5. I'm so sorry for the concern about TIm's health. I hope the new (to him) doctor will keep looking until he finds the problem. He is on my prayer list. You too.

  6. Prayers for you husband, my friend.

  7. Hi Stacy, sorry to hear that Tim is not feeling well. I will keep him in prayer and you too!



It's 10:00 on Sunday evening. The weekend has come to an end. It was a lovely fall weekend. Perfect, actually. I'm enjoying the last...