Friday, June 14, 2024

Saturday 9: Wait Till You See Him

This song was chosen in honor of Father's Day. Hear it here.

1) This is Nancy Sinatra's celebration of her father, Frank. She singles out the sound of his laugh as something special. Do you know anyone who has a great laugh?  A couple of my clients at work came to mind first. Their laughs are actually kind of goofy, but they are completely unselfconscious so they just let it rip. Hearing them always makes me smile.

2) Frank Sinatra recorded this song himself a decade earlier. It was one of more then 1,400 recordings he made over his career. When you think of him, what song comes to mind?  I'm not really a Sinatra fan, but when I worked at the nursing home several of the ladies were and they always wanted to hear Come Fly With Me so that's what I think of.

3) Nancy always called her famous father "Daddy," while her younger sister Tina referred to him as "Pop." How did/do you call your father?  I called my adoptive father, the man who raised me, Dad. I call my step-father, who didn't step into that title until I was in my late 30's, by his first name. I call my biological father, who entered my life when I was 55, by his nickname, Skip.

4) Nancy went on to have two daughters of her own. The girls recall that their grandfather was loving and supportive, even when they went through a punk rock phase with spiky hair, lots of leather, and studs. Frank defended their extreme choices as a healthy means of self-expression. Did you have arguments with your parents over your clothes or hair? If you're a parent yourself, have you always approved of your kids' fashion choices?  I had nothing but arguments with my dad over clothes. He was a lot older than my mom and felt jeans weren't fit for anything but play and chores. It was the 70's and 80's...I highly disagreed. We fought a lot until I turned 18 and then he stopped trying to control it. When it came to my kids, I never fought them about their personal style unless it was completely inappropriate. There were too many other battles that were more important.

5) Back when our own Crazy Sam was in high school, her father gave her driving lessons. What grade would you give your driving today?  I'd give myself an A. Years of driving a school bus and having to retake my driving test every 4 years has made me a darn good driver.

6) For family barbecues, Sam's dad dons his "Kiss the Chef" apron and mans the Weber. What's the last thing you grilled?  Maple and cracked black pepper salmon on cedar planks.

7) Because he takes his grilling so seriously, Sam once invested in a pair of forged steel tongs for Father's Day. Does anyone on your gift list have a passion that makes them easy to shop for?  Not really.

8) Traditionally the most popular Father's Day gift have been ties, wallets and belts. However experiences -- like tickets to a concert or a sporting event -- are gaining in popularity. Which would you prefer to receive: something to own and hold or an experience to remember?  Something to remember. I don't need more stuff in my life. I have too much now.

9) Random question: Have you recently mistakenly called someone by the wrong name?  Ha. I do this daily.

Thanks to Crazy Sam for the music and questions!

If you enjoyed this you can play along here.


  1. Your salmon sounds really good! I had cedar plank Copper Rivers salmon in Seattle WA. We went to the place called the Athenian. It has a stool that says "Tom Hanks sat here in Sleepless in Seattle." I remember my friend telling me to choose my battles wisely concerning my teens. It was good advice. Have a great weekend!

    1. I loved "Sleepless in Seattle." How cool to eat salmon where Tom Hanks did.

  2. Did you ever do a Bus Rodeo? We've got the state champ driving our fleet!

    1. No. I don't think we have the rodeos around here. We did have school bus demolition derbies for a while, but I didn't do those, either.

  3. Oh, that salmon sounds terrific! I just flopped mine on fillets and then smothered them in barbecue sauce. Yours sounds so very much better.

    1. It's easy enough because one of our groceries carries them packaged that way and ready to grill.

  4. Jeans were just about the only thing I’d wear in the 70’s. My parents didn’t argue about it.

    1. Jeans were about the only thing anyone wore back then. I used to sneak them out of the house and change at school, then change back before coming home.

  5. Ha on the last one. I so can commiserate with, lol. Have a beautiful day friend.

    1. My name forgetfulness is worse since my last bout of covid.

  6. Not a fan of salmon, but Steve is. It's quite good for one. I just don't care for any kind of fish anymore. Maybe because it was almost a daily fare when I was growing up?!
    Yeah, no point in arguing about clothes. As long as someone doesn't show certain body parts I'm OK with it. I grew up in Central Florida. Almost Naked was normal and about the only way to survive that blazing heat and humidity during Summer before air conditioning. Needless to say I do not have fond memories of my childhood. *grin*
    I think years of being a motorcyclist has honed my driving skills with four wheels. Pretend you're invisible, slow down when unsure about conditions, never contribute to or start any angry gestures and keep your head on a pivot. That increases ones chance of survival.
    Have a blessed day! 💙

    1. I'm not a big fan of salmon, either. Tim is the one that really likes it. It depends, for me, on whether or not it's gamey. Some of it has such a strong taste that I just can't deal with it.
      Oh yes, we lived in central Florida for two years when we were first married. We had AC and in the summer basically went from the air conditioned house to the air conditioned car to whatever air conditioned place we were going to...then did it all backward to get home.

  7. I don't need more stuff, either, except maybe books. I can always read a book. I like food as a gift, sometimes.

    1. Well yes, there is always room for another book, but I buy those myself. No one ever buys me books. They claim it's too hard to pick one or to know what I haven't read.

  8. Ahhh... someone else who is bad with names!! I'm terrible. I enjoyed your answers, Stacy. Hope your weekend is off to a good start!

  9. I run the names until I get it right . Its a pain in the neck too. I think jeans are a classic American way of dressing nowadays.



It's 10:00 on Sunday evening. The weekend has come to an end. It was a lovely fall weekend. Perfect, actually. I'm enjoying the last...