Saturday, June 29, 2024

Saturday 9: People

I don't seem to be able to manage to post more than once or twice a week these days. No excuses. It is what it is. Just saying. Joining in the Saturday 9 seems to be a habit I can't break, so here we go!

Unfamiliar with this week's song? Hear it here.

1) In this song, Barbra Streisand sings that pride can get in the way of happy relationships. Have you found that to be true?  I have and I believe it's a biblical principal. You've heard the saying, "Pride comes before a fall." That comes from Proverbs 16:18, "Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before the fall." Plus, I believe pride was the original sin. Jealousy and thinking he was the most beautiful of the heavenly beings and just as good as God is what led Satan to his fall from heaven. Oh, and yes, I have found that those times I am most prideful

2) The photo on the record sleeve was taken on Chicago's Oak Street Beach, as Barbra watches the sun rise over Lake Michigan. Have you been to the beach yet this summer?  Sadly, no.

3) Barbra performed "People" more than 1,350 times when she played Fanny Brice onstage in Funny Girl. She also did it in her Oscar-winning turn as Fanny in the film version. She performed it in her first TV special back in 1964 and in at least 510 concerts since. That's a lot of "People!" Can you think of another performer who has/had a song that is so identified with them you can't imagine seeing them in concert without hearing it? That would be the case for just about any artist I'd go see. I think there's always that one song... Anyway, for me it is specifically Toby Keith, but there are two songs I can't imagine his concerts without, Should Have Been a Cowboy and American Soldier.

4) Barbra got her first pet, a poodle named Sadie, as a gift from the Funny Girl behind-the-scenes crew when she was 23 years old and she's had dogs in her life ever since. Did you have pets when you were growing up?  We always had dogs. Other than a collie, we always had Poodles. I still have a Poodle.

5) Barbra has always taken her Jewish faith seriously, beginning with her days at the Yeshiva of Brooklyn. 70 years later, her old school is still there. How about your grammar school? Does it still stand?  I went to four different ones, but I believe all of them are still standing and all but one are still being used as schools.

6) She tried marijuana a couple times but didn't like it and the only alcohol she drinks is the occasional beer with her Chinese food. Are you like Barbra and generally abstain? Or do you enjoy pot and/or alcohol?  I don't drink a lot, but I do enjoy wine or a mixed (fruity) drink now and then.

7) Barbra's favorite lunch is a bowl of Campbell's condensed tomato soup. If we were to peek into your pantry, would we find any canned soup?  There are a few cans of Campbell's tomato soup and some cream of celery and cream of chicken that I use for cooking. I do like a bowl of tomato soup now and then (always served with grilled cheese sandwiches), but the main canned soup I eat is Progresso's thick and hearty homestyle chicken noodle soup.

8) In 1964, when this song was popular, hats were, too. The Sears Spring/Summer catalog devoted six pages to ladies hats and two pages to mens. Are hats part of your wardrobe?  Only if it's freezing cold, snowing, or I'm mowing the grass and holding off on a shower until afterward.

9) Random question: Which of your personality traits has gotten you in the most trouble?  Procrastination, though sarcasm is a close second.


  1. Grilled cheese goes perfect with tomato soup. We started adding avocado to our soup. Have you been enjoying your pool? Procrastination is one of mine too! Enjoy your weekend!

  2. Hi Stacy. We haven't been to the beach in a while - several years. My daughter is taking her kids to San Diego this summer and I know they will visit the beach. It sounds really fun. My mom always had poodles when I was growing up. We had four or five different poodles and poodle mixes, but we don't have a dog now. We may get a cat after I retire. Hubby is a cat guy and always had them growing up. I usually only wear hats when it is cold in the winter. I also wear a cowboy hat when I hike to keep the sun off and guard against skin cancer. I hope you have a good weekend. See you again soon!

    1. I already have the cat, but am thinking when my Daisy (Poodle) is gone she will be the last dog in my life.

  3. Pride is wicked. We all fall into that trap from time to time but there are some who make a career of it for sure.
    Grilled cheese and Campbell's tomato soup was common fare in our home when growing up in the 50s-60s. I still enjoy a good grilled cheese sandwich made with Sola bread and Gouda cheese. Yum!
    Such a fun post. Hope you're feeling much better these days. Have a great weekend! 💙

    1. My grilled cheese sandwiches tend to be made with provolone cheese, tomato slices, and seasoned with garlic and basil.

  4. Your answer to #9 could be mine. Of course, I have so many problematic personal traits!

  5. Grilled cheese and tomato soup, a perfect combo

  6. I am a procrastinator. I should probably make all those letters upper case! Great answers about pride. I enjoyed my visit with you here this morning!! Have a great weekend!

  7. I procrastinate, too. I have so many bad personality traits I couldn't list them. I must be horrid to live with. And cream of celery is my go-to for cooking casseroles. It used to be cream of mushroom but that upsets my husband's gout.

  8. I always wanted a collie. We did have a sheltie for a few years.

  9. I forgot about the cook-with soups! I have several cans of them.

  10. Don't feel too bad. I live in Florida, within an hour of the beach on either coast, and I haven't been there in such a long time! We need to go, but just never seem to get around to it. Don't like fighting the traffic to get there. I love tomato soup with a grilled cheese too. I usually keep original Campbell's chicken noodle soup on hand just because I like it when I feel a little bit "puny". It helps me perk back up. I used to keep cream of chicken and/or cream of mushroom handy for cooking, but have found lately they have MSG and too much salt and I no longer use them but make my own creamy sauces instead. I do miss your posts about the family, etc., but I haven't been on here much lately due to being sick this week and just can't seem to keep up with everyone like I'd like to. I hope you are doing well. It's good to hear from you.


Saturday 9: Flowers

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it   here .   1) In this song, Miley Cyrus sings about gold as though it represents the best. Do ...