Sunday, August 11, 2024

August Happiness Challenge, Day 11 (and a prayer request)

The grandchildren stayed over last night so we got a later start today...if you can really call it starting. I did go to the store for the grocery items we need for lunches this week, but otherwise, it's been a lazy day. I've had nothing more pressing to do than watch Hallmark mysteries and read. Sometimes you just need some time to do nothing and today has made me happy.

***In other things, please pray for Tim's oldest sister, Sally. 

On Friday, she was in the process of moving from an apartment to a cute little house her daughter and son-in-law bought and fixed up for her. She was making a trip between homes and had her step-son (nearly 60, who lives with her and has health issues) in the car with her when someone ran a stop sign at an intersection and unable to stop, Sally t-boned the other car. Totaling her car in the process.

The step-son has a huge wound on his leg that will likely require a wound vac and eventually skin grafting. Sally had her foot on the brake and the impact drove her thigh/hip bone up through her pelvis, shattering one side and fracturing the other. She also has 3 broken ribs, one of which is dislocated. She is in the hospital in traction. Surgery is going to be required, probably sometime this week, but they needed time to stabilize her and plan how to do it. Last night we got a call that she was being moved to ICU because her breathing was not good. They put her on a bi-pap and gave her breathing treatments. As of this morning she was responding well to that. Good news as they were mentioning a respirator if she didn't. 

If all goes well she is looking at at least 6-12 weeks of not being able to put any weight on it. So instead of moving into her new home, she'll be going to a nursing home for rehab. What will happen to the step-son, we don't know. Sally's daughter will most likely be responsible for the decisions and care of both. The whole family needs prayers for healing, wisdom and strength.

We also don't know anything about the condition of the other driver.


  1. Prayers offered for Tim's sister and family. Will continue with prayer for all. We all need a "lazy day" sometimes just to recover from everything life throws at us. Please let us know how Sally is doing as she recovers.

  2. Oh my, I am so sorry to hear of this tragedy. They will all be in my daily prayers.

  3. Oh, I am so very sorry to hear about this tragedy. Sounds like it will be a long time of healing and recovery for both. So sad they can't move into their new little home. Praying for them both, and also for her daughter as she works through the details of everything to help them during this time. Praying also for the other person/people involved. Hope that you have a good rest of your week and renewed strength for each new day.

  4. That sounds like a bad accident.

  5. Sorry to hear about Sally's accidents. I will pray that she heals as quickly as possible. Enjoy the rest of your week!

  6. I will certainly pray for Sally and her step son. What a terrible thing to happen. Keep us posted please.


Saturday 9: Flowers

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it   here .   1) In this song, Miley Cyrus sings about gold as though it represents the best. Do ...