Sunday, August 25, 2024

August Happiness Challenge, Day 25

I'm trying very hard today, but so far happiness is eluding me. I guess we all have and deserve to have our down days, but I hate them. I hate the weariness and sadness. The lethargy and apathy. The feeling I've wasted a day.

Part of today's mood is brought on by feeling a bit overwhelmed. There is so much that needs doing. In my younger days, when I didn't have pain as a constant companion, I would have been on top of things. I could multi-task like a pro. I HATE that things get away from me now. Or rather that they got away from me. Back in January when I was so sick, I just couldn't deal with anything. Tim didn't deal with anything, either. Everyone else was staying away so they didn't get sick.

I try, but I can't get ahead. With Tim feeling as bad as he does most of the time, he just doesn't do even the minimum. Everything he uses will end up sitting somewhere. He leaves dishes all over. Dirty clothes are left in the bathroom, the living room, the bedroom...everywhere but the hamper. I know he feels awful. Today he slept probably 90% of the day. I have no idea how he manages to get through his days at work. That doesn't make it any less frustrating for me, though.

Tomorrow morning he goes to Pittsburgh for the cardio-pulmonary testing. He was scheduled to go to a different place earlier this month but some number they look at was at 25 for him. So, he has to go to the hospital and have a doctor present. If his sister is correct, the number means his heart function is severely affected. I believe she is. He is in rough shape. I've told him I won't be surprised if they admit him. He is poo-pooing it all.

No one is going with Tim. I can't take off work. Our daughter has to get the kids off to school (first day and all), he wouldn't want my mom along, and none of his family is around. He says he is going straight to work after the test.

So, yeah, my mood is kind of in the toilet today. 

If anything makes me happy it's that I do know God is in control and He will see me through today and tomorrow is a fresh day.


  1. Oh no... keeping Tim (and you) in prayer...seriously, Stacy...just wow. Wish I could give you a hug.

  2. I am sorry you feeling so overwhelmed. I hope they can find out what is wrong with Tim. Praying you will feel better soon!

  3. Hi Stacy. I will be praying for you, Tim, and your family. Some days, it is just tough to find the silver lining. Please let us know how Tim's test goes. You are a strong woman of faith. God is in control and He will give you what you need. Sending virtual hugs and many prayers.

  4. Maybe hire someone to help clean up the house one time? Perhaps a fellow Church member could help with advice and/or volunteering? Y'all get well soon! Sending prayers for healing, comfort and peace. 💙💙

  5. I hope they find out what is wrong and are able to take care of the issue.

  6. Prayers for you both, Stacy. That's a lot to carry on your shoulders. Do keep giving it to God and please keep us posted. Thanks for letting us pray with you about this!! xo



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