Saturday, August 3, 2024

August Happiness Challenge: Day 3

Today I got to spend a few hours with my grandchildren, just me and them. They are growing up so fast and I just love them and who they are becoming. Watching them and listening to them is, to me, seeing God's handiwork...and that makes me very happy.


  1. I got to spend time with my grands too - it always makes me happy!

  2. I got to spend time with my whole family today! My siblings and niblings and grand niblings.

  3. You're making memories with those kids that will remember forever.

  4. Beautiful. Have a lovely day, Stacy.

  5. You are blessed to be so near them and to get to watch them grow. We were sadly too far away from our one and only grandson, and we just don't have the strong bond that I'd love to have. But he's almost 25 now, so the cute stage is over. LOL.

  6. Good quality time with the grands is just the best!!

  7. Its a real joy to be with children and grandchildren. Glad you had the opportunity and even more glad it made you so happy.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.


Currently...the Baby It's Cold Outside Edition

Wherever you are this evening, I hope it is warmer than it is here and if it's not, then I hope you are snuggled up inside   staying nic...