Wednesday, August 21, 2024

August Happiness Challenge, Days 20 & 21

Day 20's happiness was new portraits of the grandkids. Colt refused to be in more than a couple of them, but the photographer did a great job with those. Leah...well, she was telling the photographer where and how she wanted to pose. Might be a budding model?

Happiness on Day 21 comes from getting my car inspected after work. It's good to know it's safe and ready to go for another year.


  1. Hi Stacy. You have truly darling (and photogenic) grandchildren. I know they bring you a lot of joy!

  2. Wonderful photos! Precious children who are growing up way too fast, as I am sure you know! Glad to know your car is safe too!

  3. We had car inspections in Virginia but not here in Florida. Glad yours came through just fine! Those photos are so good, Stacy. Both kiddos are adorable and are growing up much too fast!! Thanks for sharing!



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