Thursday, September 19, 2024


I am...

Reading... Nothing. There just hasn't been time in the last week or so. Or maybe it's more accurate and honest to say that 9 times out of 10 when I sit down in the evenings, I fall asleep.

Watching... A lot of Hallmark and Great American Family. Tim and I did find a couple of older comedies to watch on Prime over the weekend. One was a Tim Allen film I'd never heard of. Yes, I stayed awake through those, but I wasn't just sitting there. I did other things as I watched like folded laundry.

Loving... The new attitude Tim has had since his heart cath. I know he is feeling better and it shows. He is not a terrible grump any longer. He said the men at work have told him the same thing.

Thinking... About my Daisy. She hadn't been eating like normal for a little while, but I thought she was being picky because she never said "no" to people food and when I'd try something new she'd eat it a time or two before turning up her nose. It turns out her liver was failing. She went across the Rainbow Bridge today. I wasn't able to take another day off work so my daughter had to take her. I feel guilty about that, but I didn't want her to suffer just so I could be there.

Feeling... Tired and sad.

Celebrating... My favorite time of the year...the Ber months...Fall.

Grateful... Tim is doing so well and doing all he's supposed to be doing, that my daughter was able to stand in for me at the vet's, and for my son-in-law who dug the hole in our rock-hard yard (no rain).

Enjoying... My favorite time of year. I love the colors, the sights, the sounds, the tastes, and the smells.

A quote I want to share... It's actually a prayer a friend shared with me on Facebook and I found it very comforting.

Lord, you have embraced a good friend and loving companion.
While we mourn what we have lost, we do celebrate what we had...
and in saying goodbye, we renew our pledge to love and care
for any creature you entrust to us for its time of life.
Thank you, Lord, for the joy this loved one gave us and for making it

possible for us to have made this friend's life a good one.


  1. Hi Stacy. I love that prayer at the end. So sorry to hear about your sweet Daisy. It is hard to lose such a friend. So glad that Tim's procedure was a success and that he is feeling so much better. I hope you can rest, relax and have a good weekend! See you again soon.

  2. So sorry about Daisy. Beautiful name, beautiful dog, beautiful prayer. May the pain be brief. Praying for peace, comfort and joy to ease your days. We all grieve with you. Big hugs. 💙💙

  3. I love that prayer. I'm so sorry and sad for your loss. I'm glad your daughter could be with her as your proxy. Super great news that Tim is feeling so much better. I remember that it was instantaneous for Joe when he got his stents (5 of them, over time). Praise God always. xo

  4. Hi Stacy. I am glad Tim is feeling better. I am sorry about your Daisy and I know your pain. Praying as you grieve the loss of your furbaby.

  5. I am glad Tim is feeling better. I am so sorry about Daisy, I so understand, sadly. Keeping you and your family in prayer.

  6. Sending (((hugs))) to you regarding your sweet Daisy. I am so sorry. Glad your daughter was able to help out that day. So happy to hear that Tim seems to be doing better. Praying for his full recovery and strength. Hoping you have good and happy days ahead for all of you.

  7. Farewell to your Daisy. Sometimes the most generous and loving thing can be the toughest. I hope between the tears you have been able to be proud of the secure and comfortable life you gave her.



I am... Reading... The Cinnamon Bun Bookstore,  book two in the Dream Harbor  series by Laurie Gilmore. Watching... nothing. The televisio...