Wednesday, September 11, 2024

It's Been a Week

So...Tim is home. He didn't get here until dinner time yesterday. If you are a friend on Facebook you've probably seen my post about what a rough day Monday was. Tim's heart catheterization went well and one stent was placed in the "widow maker," the artery on the back side of the heart. However, everything went downhill once he was back in his room. A headache began and rapidly increased until he was in very bad shape. His nurse "coded" him and medical staff poured into his room and Megan and I were taken to the waiting room.

After an hour or so someone came for us and took us back to the room. They'd run all manner of tests and did CT scans of his head and chest (he was having trouble breathing, too). All the tests came back clear. Everyone's best guess is that he had a bad reaction to the fentanyl they gave him during the procedure. Still, it resulted in him having to stay overnight because the headache lingered. They did finally get him some relief and he got some sleep and felt better on Tuesday. It took all day for him to be released because someone from every team that had dealt with him had to talk to him and sign off. He also had to see a neurologist about the headaches (just in case) and a nutritionist.

Tim felt great when he got home, but after a couple of hours the headache returned. It was a bad headache, but not as bad as the one on Monday. He decided around 8:00 that I should text his boss and tell him he was not going to work today. Good choice. No headache today and he allowed himself the day to just rest and nap on the sofa. He is going to work tomorrow barring anything unforeseen happening in the night.

On the way home from the hospital Tim got a call from the dermatologist about the biopsy they did on a spot on his nose a month ago. It's cancer. It goes all the way through the tissue to the inside of his nose. He goes Nov. 7 for a 4-hour operation to cut out all the cancer. They will, hopefully, do the skin graft at the same time.

Tim's sister, the one who was in the accident a month or so ago, has been doing well since the surgery to reconstruct her pelvis with plates and screws. We heard yesterday that her incision had split open and she'd been taken to the ER. They finally did surgery on her today. The doctor cleaned the infection that he could tell, but he did send it off to lab. He said there were a lot of blood clots, though. Anyway, they closed up the would and she has a wound vac. She feels a lot better the pressure and pain she'd complained of is gone.

 Our daughter found out our grandson's A1C number is high. The doctor moved his next appointment up to Friday. His bloodwork also said in the liver function session that there was high alkalinity. The report said the high end of normal is 104 and his number was 190. Our daughter, of course, Googled it and panicked. There are a LOT of not so great things that can cause that. The doctor told her that a lot of times when kids get blood work and they give you the normal range, they give the adult numbers. He said it might be as simple as that or that he's going through a growth spurt. 

Through it all I've had to be the voice of calm and reason, of sanity. I've had to be the strong one for everyone else. It's a good thing my strength and my peace do not come from anything or anyone on this earth. I give the Lord all the credit and all the prayers of all the people I had praying. I felt those prayers. Thank you.

But still... it's been a week. And it's only Wednesday.


  1. Hi Stacy. Sorry to hear about all the problems your family is facing. Wow, it has been week. You will all be in my prayers. Keep us updated.

  2. Oh my, Stacy! You certainly have had a rough week! (((hugs))). Thankful to hear that Tim is doing better now, but we will definitely keep him in prayer especially as he faces that surgery on his nose. And then your sweet little grandson, I pray it's nothing serious but just a growth spurt...but glad the doctors are on top of it and will check things out. Thank the Lord for being there for you during these difficult days. Where would we be without Him? Take care and I pray the rest of your week will be much better.

  3. Wow! Stacy, it really has been a week for you! I hope all will be okay soon and that you'll be able to relax. How do people go through things like your week without have Jesus on your side.

  4. That's a lot. I hope everything calms down and everyone is healthy and healing.

  5. Good gracious! This is why I try to lift up in prayer all my blogging, FaceBook, etc. buddies every day. One never knows what everyone is having to deal with. So sorry to hear about all the medical problems in your family. That is a week and a half, for sure. All y'all get well soon. I'm glad y'all have Jesus and know where to seek comfort from. Lots of blessings to you all.💙

  6. Hi Stacy, you have been through a lot. I pray all goes well with Tim. I have an appointment with the dermatologist for a spot on my nose. I hope you get some rest this weekend!

  7. Prayers will continue for all, Stacy. Please keep us posted!! Hugs!

  8. Oh man, Stacy...I am continuing prayer...and sending you lots of hugs and love.

  9. That is a lot to deal with. I'm glad you're hanging in there and staying strong.

  10. I'm exhausted from reading this, so I can only imagine what it's been like to live it. I'm leaving this comment on Sunday, along with a prayer that next week is more placid and less consequential. You need a break.


Saturday 9: Flowers

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it   here .   1) In this song, Miley Cyrus sings about gold as though it represents the best. Do ...