Wednesday, March 5, 2025


I am...

Reading... The Cinnamon Bun Bookstore, book two in the Dream Harbor series by Laurie Gilmore.

Watching... nothing. The television is off tonight. I stayed up way too late last night watching the State of the Union address and the awful behavior of the Democrat portion of Congress.

Listening to... the wind.

Loving... the new curtains I ordered from Amazon that are almost a total match to the living room's area rug.

Thinking... about work and where we go from here. The new supervisor for my department, the one that's been there for maybe a month, gave her two weeks' notice on Monday. Next Friday will be her last day. 

Feeling... relaxed and content.

Celebrating... nothing at the moment.

Grateful... Our daughter and son-in-law continue to work through their problems. Our daughter has been sharing the things her friend is going through with her ex and custody. It's so ugly and the damage it is doing to the kids... So sad.

Enjoying... the sneak peeks of Spring we've been having. Yesterday we took the consumers out on the deck in the afternoon because we hit 70 degrees! 

Looking forward... to going to bed. Ha! I am getting old.

The weather... is changing its mind again. That above mentioned wind is bringing back colder weather and snow for tomorrow.

Giggling at...


I am... Reading... The Cinnamon Bun Bookstore,  book two in the Dream Harbor  series by Laurie Gilmore. Watching... nothing. The televisio...