Friday, March 21, 2025

Saturday 9: Photograph (1973)

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) In this song, Ringo stumbles upon a photograph that reminds him of a lost love. Are there any photos displayed in the room you're in right now?  There are photos in every room of the house (except the bathrooms). Here in the living room you'll find photos of my grandparents on their wedding day, my grandfather's family, our kids' senior photos, the grandkids' school photos, a photo of our daughter holding a koala in Australia, a photo of Tim and I on a cruise, a lovely landscape our daughter took several years ago, and an assortment of my favorite photos of the grands.

2) While there are approximately 180 published songs credited to Lennon-McCartney, this is the only song written by Harrison-Starr. When you think of Ringo's old band, the Beatles, what's the first song that comes to mind?  Twist and Shout, thank you Ferris Bueller. 

3) George and Ringo wrote this song while on a yacht in the South of France. They, and their wives, had just attended Mick Jagger's wedding to Bianca in Saint Tropez and decided to take a little holiday together. What are your vacation plans for 2025?  We've rented a house just a little south of Erie, PA for a week in July. Our daughter and grandchildren are going with us. We'll spend time at the beach on Presque Isle, visit some family, and explore some other fun things.
4) At 5'8, Ringo was the shortest Beatle and the only one with blue eyes. How tall are you? What's your eye color?  I'm 5'5" and a brown-eyed girl.

5) Ringo gave his first wife, Maureen, a one-of-a-kind birthday gift. Frank Sinatra recorded "The Lady Is a Tramp" with special lyrics, written just for her. Do you have anything that's personalized? (It could be a monogram on a scarf, it doesn't have to be as cool as a gift from Frank Sinatra.)  A blogging friend wrote a book about journaling several years ago and my name appears among those she thanks on the dedication page.

6) Ringo appeared as Mr. Conductor on Thomas the Tank Engine. He recorded the narration for the entire first season in just a week. Tell us what you did last week.  Worked and made beaded stuff.

7) As a boy in Liverpool, Ringo loved watching American westerns. Do you like cowboy movies/shows?  Sometimes, but they aren't really a favorite.
8) In 1973, when this song was a hit, former President Lyndon Johnson died. Who was President when you were a kid?  Nixon, Ford, and Carter.
9) Random question: When you woke up this morning, did you know the day and date (before looking at your phone)?  Yes. I'm still a working woman so I am very aware of days and dates.

Thanks, Sam, for the music and questions!
Join the fun here.


  1. #2: Last fall I went to a wedding and the groom and his mother took the dance floor and twisted and shouted, clearly inspired by Ferris. (BTW, doesn't Chicago look lovely in that clip?)
    #6: Sounds like you and your daughter worked so hard. I hope your handiwork brings in a lot of cash for a good cause.

    1. I feel like Columbo here, but there's one more little thing that bothers me: Why does working full-time mean you have to know the DATE? Once I quit writing checks regularly (10 years ago?) I never knew the DATE and had to check my calendar to make sure I didn't miss a doctor's appointment, birthday or anniversary. I knew if it was Monday-Friday, I had to catch the 8:10 AM train, but it didn't matter if it was the 3rd or 13th. So what is it about your job that makes the date so important? Like Columbo, I have to tie up those loose ends.

    2. LOL.... I have certain duties on certain days at work. Then I have 2 days a week that I do caretaking work for an elderly blind man. And currently I'm filling in for one of our van drivers who is off for health reasons...but only on certain days (I'm sharing it with another person). Plus, we are a non-profit and we work with those with intellectual disabilities so there is much government regulation involved and EVERYTHING must be documented.

  2. The house near the beach sounds like fun! I am sure you will make lots of memories. Did you sell your jewelry yet? I have been to the Nixon Library when I worked for the post office at a stamp event to honor Nixon. Been to the Regan library too. Have a great weekend!

  3. #9 yes, exactly. I’m still working full time and very much aware of the day and date.

  4. You have a fun vacation planned and I know some great memories will be made!! Having the grands so close is such a blessing for you all!! Keep us posted!! xo

  5. I live in Presque Isle (Maine)! :) You're going to have a great vacation. I can't wait to hear about the craft fair you and your daughter are showing at.

  6. So far, (going from back to front on the Mr. Linky list) you're the tallest Sat 9er! Apparently, we're a lot of short people. :-)

    1. I feel like I'm the only one with brown eyes, too,

  7. My favorite tune by Ringo was In An Octopus Garden. It was cute. Have a wonderful vacation!❤️

  8. Presidents in my early life were Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon ... and Ford was the president when I graduated high school. I have a 45 record of the Beatles' "Revolution," but the earliest song I know by them is "She Loves You" that they performed on the Ed Sullivan Show (their second appearance) on Feb. 19, 1964 ... only because I sat on the livingroom floor watching with my parents and brother. I was 7 years old and right then I was hooked on the Beatles! Yeah, yeah, yeah! 😄



I am Thinking... that getting a new phone and getting things set up is a royal pain. It's all through Google and over the years I'v...