Tuesday, May 23, 2023

A Daybook

Outside my window...

It's currently dark at 9:45 p.m., but the temperature is still a balmy 66 degrees. The crew we hired to install the new pool liner finally came yesterday and they finished today. While it isn't completely filled yet, the pool looks soooo inviting. The grandchildren are anxious to jump in...let's hope the weather cooperates and they can do just that very soon.

We bought two rose bushes on Sunday. One a beautiful yellow climber that smells divine. The other has huge double petal blooms in a coral color. The double rose will go near the pool deck when Tim finishes working on it. The climber will be trained to trail along two sections of garden fence we also purchased just for that purpose.

On my mind...

I don't hate those who live as part of the LGBT+ community. Jesus commanded that we love our neighbors...meaning all of them, not just those who are just like us. That doesn't mean, however, that I have to agree with the lifestyle or just blindly accept everything. I'm sorry, but as the world gears up for Pride Month in June the rush of retailers to prove themselves accepting and inclusive has crossed a line. 

One major retailer has taken a lot of flack for its decision to sell LGBT+ clothing and items in its children's department...some even in the toddler section. I just can't agree with that. Children should be allowed to be children and innocent in that. They should not be bombarded with any kind of sexual message. 

My money will no longer go to the above retailer...and that stinks because they were one of my favorites. 

These children...

My two youngest grandchildren...(there is possibly one who is younger, but we were not told of the birth and can't confirm it...our daughter found out on Instagram)...just make my heart happy. They are what little kids should be...happy, carefree, loving, and a little bit ornery.

Country kids at heart!

Little Miss Sassy!

Just a boy and his truck helping with yard work.

I have a thing for...

Vintage figural planters...especially ones that depict dogs. My daughter thinks it's a weird collection. Pfffftt.


Either one (or both!) of these beautiful kitties from our local shelter. I've been watching and both have been there for a while now. Tim is totally against it, though. Sigh.

Looking forward to...

  • Going out with a group of clients tomorrow to water the flower planters in the downtown area of the community the Blind Assoc. is located in...and then having lunch at a park.
  • Getting my hair cut after work tomorrow.
  • Getting my first pedicure since before Covid after work on Thursday.
  • The 3-day holiday weekend, complete with great weather!
And now I really need to let Daisy out and then say goodnight or I am not going to want to get up in the morning. I hope you're all enjoying a wonderful week!


  1. Hi Stacy, I know the store you are talking about. Just heard about it yesterday. News just said that they are taking it out because of protest. Enjoy your pedicure!

  2. Hi Stacy. Yep, I am also boycotting the big-box retailer you are talking about. I am in total agreement with you. No one should be mistreated, but we don't have to accept and approve of sinful practices either. Cute pictures of your youngest grands. I love the new roses you purchased. Enjoy your pedicure and your pool. I hope the weather cooperates and get out into it soon. Have a good Wednesday. See you again soon!

  3. Your new roses are beautiful. I just bought 2 roses over the weekend. I don't think I've ever had roses. I got red knockout roses. Now, I have to get them planted. lol

  4. Those roses are beautiful and so are your grandkiddos!! Hope the weather heats up quickly so y'all can get some good pool time in!! Enjoy your 3-day weekend!!



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