Tuesday, November 29, 2022


It's 8:21 pm on Tuesday evening. It's dark, but then it's been dark since just before 5:00. The weather was mild today, cloudy for most of it, but with temperatures in the mid-50s. The wind is picking up now, bringing the promised rain closer. There is something like a 90% chance of it tomorrow. 

Reading...The Cowboy Cookie Challenge by Lori Wilde. It's basically a Hallmark Christmas movie in book form.

Listening to...a whole lot of Christmas music at work. Today we listened to a playlist on YouTube that had songs from the 40's that I'd never heard of.

Watching...Christmas on Mistletoe Lake. It's a Lifetime movie.

Loving...that we ate the last of the Thanksgiving leftovers tonight and the refrigerator is finally cleaned out.

Thankful...for so much! Our daughter and grandchildren are finally over the flu and back to work and school. Our son-in-law has something now, but probably not the flu since he doesn't seem to be as sick as they were. I'm thankful for my work and the people I help each day. They are so sweet and loving. I don't think I've ever been hugged so much! I am also thankful that they have been keeping me mostly in the adult training program rather than in the shredding department so I haven't had to be on my feet all day. Oh, and I'm thankful that Jasper is really settling in at our daughter's and is waaaay happier than he was here. Maine Coons do not like to be alone. Lesson learned (the hard way).

Enjoying...the Christmas tree.

 Looking forward to...the women's tea at church this Saturday, starting the Christmas baking and candy making, and finishing the decorating of a column in the dining hall at work. There are 6 columns and 6 staff members. We each have a team of consumers (what we call those we work with). We have to decorate a column and the administrative staff will judge them. The winning team gets to go out for lunch with the big boss...which means escaping work for a couple of hours. Big incentive all around! Anyway, my team's column is going to be the tree lot from A Charlie Brown Christmas. Charlie and whoever I'm able to draw will be in the foreground with the little tree and it will be captioned, "It's not what's under the tree that matters, it's who is around it." I promise I'll take pictures when it's done!

A quote to leave you with...

Friday, November 25, 2022

Saturday 9: Two Black Cadillacs

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) This week's song is about two women who share a very dark secret. Are you good at keeping secrets?  It depends. I usually am if it's a fun secret or a harmless one. I admit I wrestle with myself when it's something I feel might be harmful or hurtful.

2) Carrie Underwood's favorite author is Stephen King. In fact, she credits King's Christine as an inspiration for this song. Have you read much Stephen King, or seen movies based on his books?  Not really. I don't really like horror. I have seen Cujo and Misery. I've also read Misery and one other of his books that was about twin brothers. That's it. My son, on the other hand, is a huge fan and has probably read and seen everything the man has ever written.

3) Carrie first came to America's attention when she won on American Idol. Prior to competing on that show, she'd never been on an airplane. Crazy Sam takes at least one round-trip flight every year and pays using the miles she accumulated from credit card purchases throughout the year. Do you try to earn miles, points, or cash back when you make purchases?  Nope. I don't use credit cards unless I have no other option.

4) Black is this week's signature color because November 25 was Black Friday, when retailers historically have slashed their prices and the holiday shopping season begins. Have you begun your gift shopping?  I've picked up a few small things for the grands, but no, I haven't really done any shopping. I don't have a lot of ideas this year.

5) Black Friday began as a local event initiated by store owners in Philadelphia back in the early 1960s. When you think of Philadelphia, what comes to mind?  It's part in the birth of our country, but other than that, I'm sorry to say I don't really have good thoughts about the city. My grandfather's family was from there and they had all left by the mid-80's because of crime.

6) Black Friday always comes after Thanksgiving, a day of feasting. What was the best dish at your holiday table this year?  Based on everyone's comments it was a toss up between the turkey, the stuffing, and the mashed potatoes.

7) Thanksgiving is also a big day for watching football. Did you watch any games?  Not even one.

8) What are you thankful for this year?  Oh gosh, what am I not thankful for?! Good health, my job, my family, my friends, my faith, and having more than enough.

9) Random question: You're in a public restroom and have a choice between paper towels and a hot air hand dryer. Which do you choose?  It depends on the condition of both. I will choose the one that has the least "yuck" factor going on.

Thanks to Crazy Sam for the music and questions!

Join in the fun here.

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Tuesday 4: Talking Turkey

I'm a little late to the party, but I'm joining in to talk turkey with the Tuesday 4. 

1. Do you celebrate with family, friends or by yourself?  

Thanksgiving is usually celebrated with family and this year won't be any different, but it is looking like it will just be Tim and I and my mom and stepdad. 

Our daughter was at the ER last night and has been diagnosed with a kidney stone, a UTI, and Influenza A. Colton was diagnosed with the flu last week. Leah came down with it today. 

Praying Tim and I don't get it since we had Leah here on Sunday and kept both kids last night while Mom and Dad were at the hospital. If we get sick, we will all be in separate homes for the second time in 3 years.

* I am truly thankful that no one is gravely ill, but admit to being a bit annoyed. We have not all been together for Thanksgiving since before Covid. I was really looking forward to all of us being around the table this year.

2.  Do you watch the Thanksgiving Day parade from Macy's in New York City?  The appearance of Santa at the end signals the start of the Christmas season.  What does the day hold for you?  

I used to love the parade, but am not quite as fond of it since you now see so little of the actual parade. I suppose all the performances are okay, but I'm finding that every year I have less and less idea of who the performers are. I'm in a minority, anyway. No one else really likes to watch.

Without our daughter's family present, it will be a quiet day. We may watch the dog show or a movie and a game of dominos is probably in the cards.

3. What foods are the hit of Thanksgiving Day for you?  

Gravy. Yeah, I know, but I love me some gravy! I also like the cornbread casserole and sweet potatoes a lot. I am one of the weirdos that likes green bean casserole, too, but I am alone on that one in this family.

4.  We say grace before and after meals. Is grace a part of your Thanksgiving meal?

Yes, we have always said grace and sometimes share what we are thankful for. I had planned to share this before dinner, but that may not happen since it will just be the four of us.

I can't think of a better thing to be thankful for.

"God won't give you more than you can handle..."
Odd, I can't seem to find that verse.
“I'm guessing Job would take exception to that cliche.
So would Joseph.
Paul did.
"We were under great pressure, far beyond our ability to endure, so that we despaired of life itself..." II Corinthians 1:8
Why would God allow him to experience hurt more than he could handle? Read on. "...so that we might not rely on ourselves but on God." II Corinthians 1:9
Truth? Cancer is more than you can handle.
So is infidelity.
So is caregiving.
So is rejection.
So is death
and loss
and grief
and prodigal children
and 101 other life struggles.
God doesn't expect YOU to handle it.
He expects you to hand it over to HIM.
He doesn't want you relying on your strength, but on His.
If we keep walking around thinking
"God won't give me more than I can handle,"
we're setting ourselves up for
heavenly disappointment.
Good news? He beckons for your burdens,
"Cast your cares upon Me..." I Peter 5:7
You will never know relief until you do.
For this hard place, I have Jesus!” Jolene Valeu

Sunday, November 20, 2022


It's 9:18 on Sunday evening, the final few moments of the weekend as I head to bed a lot earlier these days now that I'm a working girl again. The temperature is 23 F with clear skies.

Reading...The Christmas Bookshop by Jenny Colgan.

Watching...When I Think of Christmas on Hallmark. (I've actually been watching more of the Christmas movies on Great American Country than Hallmark at this point.)

Loving...the beautiful Christmas planter Tim bought me at Sam's Club.

Thankful...our son-in-law wasn't hurt when he fell asleep at the wheel and wrecked his truck into a pole last night.

Because of its age, the truck will most likely be totaled, but trucks can be replaced. Husbands and daddies can't.

Praying...for our daughter to find forgiveness in her heart and the patience to not give up on her marriage...also for our son-in-law to wake up and admit he needs to see someone about depression before he loses everything.

Relieved...everything is coming together for the Christmas program and dinner at church on the 11th...and that my job of doing the scenery and decorating the dinner tables got a little bit easier following a meeting today.

Nervous...about emceeing the women's Christmas tea at church on the 3rd. I am not a public speaker.

Celebrating...Thanksgiving, of course! Also, that life is rich and good right now. The job is going well, a cortizone shot is helping the heel spur pain, and custom orthotics are ordered.

Looking forward to...hosting my first holiday in several years. I have always done the cooking, but ever since our daughter moved out, the holidays have been in her home. It stresses her a lot on a good year and this year she is dealing with the kids being sick, a new job, and things with her husband so she is relieved to be free of it, I think.

If I don't see you before then...

Friday, November 18, 2022

Saturday 9: Sunshine, Lollipops, and Rainbows

Saturday 9: Sunshine, Lollipops and Rainbows (1965)

Unfamiliar with this week's song? Hear it here.

1. In this song, Lesley Gore sings that sunshine is wonderful. It's hard to argue with that. Is it sunny where you are today?  Since I'm answering before going to bed on Friday evening there's no chance of there being any sunshine. Backing up a few hours, you wouldn't have seen any then, either. It was cloudy with snow flurries all day today.

2. Tootsie Roll is the world's #1 manufacturer of lollipops, and cherry is their most popular flavor. Do you have a sweet tooth? If yes, what's your favorite sweet treat?  I like sweets, but don't think I really have a sweet tooth. Most of the time I would choose a salty treat over a sweet one. When I do choose something sweet it's going to be something chocolate and if it also has caramel, even better!

3. According to myth, you'll find a leprechaun's pot of gold at the end of a rainbow. If you suddenly, unexpectedly came into $100,000, what is the first thing you would buy?  I'd pay off any debt we have, donate to a favorite charity and my church, then the rest would go toward adding the addition to the house I've always wanted.

4. She feels brighter than a lucky penny. Abraham Lincoln was the first person to appear on a U.S. coin, when the 1909 penny was struck in honor of his 100th birthday. Thomas Jefferson is on the nickel, George Washington is on the quarter, and John F. Kennedy is on the half dollar. Without looking, do you know which President is on the dime?  I think it's Eisenhower.

5. Lesley Gore was very popular in the 1960s, with 11 Top Ten hits. Most people don't know that, while she was making records, she was also attending Sarah Lawrence College and graduated with her BA in 1968. What's something most Saturday 9ers would be surprised to know about you?  I can't think of anything. Over the years I've probably disclosed pretty much everything. I'm pretty much a what-you-see-is-what-you-get kind of person.
6. She performed "Sunshine, Lollipops and Rainbows" in the movie Ski Party. Do you plan to ski this season?  Not this season or any season!

7. This song was written by Marvin Hamlisch, who would go on to win three Oscars, four Grammys, three Emmys, a Tony, and a Pulitzer Prize. That's quite an impressive list! But we believe our Sat 9-ers are impressive, too. So give yourself an award this morning. (For example, Crazy Sam is now Meme Mistress of the Year.)  Bargain Hunter Extraordinaire

8. In 1965, when this song was on the charts, I Dream of Jeannie premiered. This supernatural sitcom, about an astronaut who finds a genie on a beach, competed for viewers with Bewitched, which was about an advertising executive who marries a witch. Do you prefer Bewitched or I Dream of Jeannie?  I watched both as a kid, but I always seemed to prefer Bewitched. It seemed to capture my imagination more.

9. Random question -- Which would you rather have, tacos or pizza?  I like both, but if there is one food I could probably live on happily every day for the rest of my life, it would be pizza. I have always loved a good pie and there are so many ways to make it.

Thanks to Sam for the music and questions!
Join in the fun here.

Thursday, November 17, 2022

Thankful Thursday

Well, here we are on the Thankful Thursday before the big kahuna of Thankful Thursdays and, as always, I have so much to be thankful for. So let's get on with it!

This week I am thankful...

First and foremost, for my husband and the life we have together. Today is our 38th anniversary. I've spent all of my adult life with him and can't imagine life without him.

Things are going well at my job. I am learning the ins and outs and getting the hang of it. I love the people in the program (called "consumers") and they seem to like me. They are so sweet and loving.

My feet, on the days I work in the shredding department, continue to leave me in severe pain, but I'm managing. I got a break this week and only have to work in shredding one day. I am beyond thankful about that! I have an appointment to see a podiatrist after work today. I am hoping he will be able to help me.

My boy, Jasper, is adapting to his new home at our daughter's house. It seems so quiet here without him and I do miss him, but he was bored and not happy at all so it will be better for him. I have stayed away so he has time to adjust, but maybe I'll try to visit him this weekend.

A surprise snow/sleet storm on Tuesday afternoon, just as work was letting out didn't cause too many problems as the ground is not yet frozen. It all melted pretty quickly. There was some slush on the roads, however, and I did have to sit in traffic on the way home because of an accident. I'm glad not to have had any other trouble.

The cold I had last week was short-lived. Only a day and a half of feeling awful and then another two or three of mild congestion.

For cozy evenings snuggled up on the sofa watching Hallmark Christmas movies now that it's dark and the cold weather has finally arrived. 

Our daughter continues to love and thrive at her new job. She is technically part-time, but has been picking up all kinds of extra hours when her husband's work schedule (or mine) allows it. Praying all her hard work will soon bring them some breathing room financially.

Our great-nephew continues to do well following his bone marrow transplant. He and Mom are living at the Ronald McDonald House (actually a high rise of efficiency apartments) these days. He only has to return to Children's Hospital for check ups and treatment when there is a problem (he's had some trouble fighting infection but recently got an infusion of white cells from his mom...hoping that will give him the boost he needs.

Tim's sister, who is fighting cancer (a tumor on her liver), got a port put in last week and is having a much easier time with her treatments now. Praying they work.

For everything the Lord brings to my life and my relationship with Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit. I can't imagine facing this world without them.

For my family and friends and the layers of richness they bring to my life.

For all of you. Though I don't know most of you in person, you are like the cherry or the sprinkles on top...adding just a little extra something to life. And I thank you for continuing to visit me even though I haven't had much presence lately. I'm finding that throwing a full-time job in the mix has made my days a lot busier than I had expected and the hours after work just fly by.

Friday, November 11, 2022

Saturday 9: Walkin' After Midnight

Woohoo! I made it through the week. Between foot pain and getting a cold, I had my doubts, but here we are and I'm kicking off the weekend with the Saturday 9. Thanks Sam for the music and questions!

Saturday 9: Walkin' After Midnight (1957)

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.
1) The lyrics tell us Patsy Cline was out walking after midnight. Where were you at midnight last night?  In bed and sound asleep thanks to the miracle of NyQuil.
2) She's sure she hears the night winds whispering to her. Is it windy, breezy, or still outdoors right now?  It's pouring down rain...the remains of Nicole.

3) When she was 13, Patsy came down with a fever and throat infection so severe she ended up in the hospital. She believed the illness changed her vocal chords and enabled her to sing in a lower key. How are you doing this cold and flu season?  Apparently, not that great, since I currently have a cold.

4) Patsy is well remembered today not only for her voice but for her generous spirit. Loretta Lynn, Dottie West and Barbara Mandrell all considered Patsy a trusted personal friend and professional mentor. Have you ever been a mentor?  I've helped younger women, but no, never really as a mentor.
5) Patsy had a tough side, too. While traveling by bus and playing one-nighters, she found she and her band sometimes never got paid for their efforts. So she began demanding payment -- in cash -- before they would take the stage. She'd insist, "No dough, no show." Tell us about your tough side.  I don't really have one until I'm pushed to my limits.
6) Patsy became the first female country star to headline at a Las Vegas showroom. Who is your favorite country performer?  After all these years, I'm sure you all know it's Toby Keith, but I really haven't been listening to country much these days.
7) In 1957, the year this song hit #2 on the charts, embroidered cotton handkerchiefs were a popular present for the ladies on your gift list. Do you own any handkerchiefs?  I inherited a big box of my grandmother's. I gave one to our daughter and one to our daughter-in-law to carry on their wedding days.
8) 1957 was a banner year for Elvis. He released four hit records, two top box-office films, and his TV appearances topped the ratings. 65 years later, he is still recognized the world over by his first name alone. Can you think of another performer for whom one name is all that's required?  Cher, Lucy, Adele, Sting, Bono...

9) Random question: What's the most embarrassing story your parents (or siblings) tell about you?  I can't think of any that I get embarrassed about. People do dumb things as kids.

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Thankful Thursday

Yay, it's time for Thankful Thursday! This is the month of Thanksgiving, but it's always good to take a moment each and every day to give thanks for all that we're blessed with.

I'm doing this on Wednesday evening and I'm hoping I can stay awake to get it done. It's not late...I'm just tired from work, adjusting to the time change, and not feeling my best (whether it's allergies or some viral thing remains to be seen).

This week...

💖I am thankful our daughter was finally able to get the kiddos into see their new pediatrician. It turned out that both still had horrible ear infections. Leah's seemed fresh, but Colton's, according to the doctor, looked like it had been going on for a long, long time. In fact, the doctor said he didn't know how Colt could hear anything. Colt also has strep throat. Nice.

Both kids are on yet another round of antibiotics, but if these don't work on their ears both will probably be getting tubes in their ears. At least there is finally a light at the end of the tunnel of endless sickness.

💖I am thankful for my job. My co-workers are very nice and the developmentally disabled adults in the program are such a joy and blessing. The days I am in the shredding shop and am on my feet all day are tough. I've made it through each of those days, but the pain is nearly unbearable by the end of the day. Fortunately, I haven't yet worked there multiple days in a row. I've been alternating between there, training on the computer, and the adult training facility (which works on teaching the clients life skills). Sooner or later, though, I will probably have to work more than one day at a time on the shredding floor. I'm to the point I've decided it's time to call the podiatrist. I have one who is a friend. I suspect he will say it's time for the cortisone shots in my feet. I don't even want to think about that, but I am thankful we live in a time where there are things that can be done.

💖I am thankful for a wonderful afternoon out with a friend from high school. She invited me to go to a local tea shop for a pot of tea and crumpets. We had such a nice afternoon of conversation and then a bit of browsing in some of the nearby shops.

💖I am thankful our daughter is willing to see if Jasper will adjust to living at her house with her dog and three cats. I love my naughty boy, but he is NOT liking me being gone all day and the bad behaviors have been constant. I believe he is bored and with all my problems with my feet, I am just not up to giving him all the attention and play time he needs at the end of the day. At least if he goes to live with our daughter I will see him all the time. With the other critters and Colton and Leah, he definitely will not be bored over there.

💖I am thankful Jasper hasn't actually broken or destroyed anything important yet. Not that he isn't giving it his all.

💖I am thankful for my family. My daughter lets the dog out for me while I am at work and my husband has been incredibly patient and kind about the things I'm not getting done because of work and pain. 

💖I am thankful I found out I get Thursday and Friday off for Thanksgiving and Friday through Monday off for Christmas. 

💖I am thankful it looks like they will finally finish up the drainage work in our neighborhood this week or next. Our yard appears to be the last one they will finish, but they have done a very nice job of fixing everyone else's back up so I can be patient.

💖I am thankful for all of you!

Sunday, November 6, 2022


I am...

Reading...The Bookstore on the Beach by Brenda Novak. Kind of the wrong time of year for a beach read, but I just picked it up at Walmart a couple of weeks ago. And hey, with temperatures in the 70's in November it's not really feeling like Thanksgiving or Christmas.

Watching...my first Hallmark Christmas movie of the season. Trying to get my mind wrapped around the holiday season. If Hallmark can't get me there, I am beyond hope.

Thankful for...a nice weekend. I took Angel out on Saturday morning. It was good to see her. I usually try to see her at least twice a month, but she was visiting family in Texas for most of October. She had a good time and gave me a cross she made out of driftwood. My daughter and granddaughter tagged along and we had a fun girls' morning.

Saturday afternoon a friend from high school took me to Crumpet's, our local tea shop, and treated me to a lovely afternoon of conversation lingering over a pot of pumpkin spice tea and sharing savory chicken salad crumpets followed by sweet cookie butter topped crumpets. We might have browsed in a few shops, too. I didn't buy anything but some pineapple tea.

We got pizza for supper and our son-in-law and grandchildren came over for a bit since our daughter was working. Poor Colton is not feeling well again. 

Today (Sunday) I went to church where we celebrated that it was the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church by watching videos of missionaries who have been martyred or persecuted, learning about the persecution in some of the worst countries, and broke into small groups to pray. The accompanying songs were perfect and it was a very moving and informative service. Oh, I got tagged to MC the women's Christmas tea next month.

The grandchildren were here in the afternoon. Colton still isn't feeling well and will most likely have to miss school again tomorrow. So, it was a low-key time of lounging on the sofa watching movies.

After the kids left I went to Med-Express to have my TB test checked and get my physical for work. I had to sit there for an hour, because I just might be the first person in the history of ever to have the timing of their test affected by the time change. You have to wait at least 48 hours and no more than 72 hours after the injection to have it checked and I went for the 48 hours, but with turning the clocks back...it was only 47 hours!

Tim isn't feeling well today, either, so I had to pick him up some cold medicine on my way home. I also stopped by KFC and picked up their Famous Bowls for dinner.

Hopeful...my new boots will at least make my foot pain bearable at work. Tim got the same boots and said his feet felt a lot better yesterday.

Loving...the coziness of this time of year!

Thinking about...Thanksgiving dinner. I haven't hosted for several years now. Mom had been hosting and then when our daughter's family bought the house next door we began gathering there. I've done all the cooking and taken it to our daughter's, but she will most likely be working so we decided to just have dinner here since I have the new table and all. For some reason I want it to be a very special dinner this year. I guess with our son not having anything to do with us and Mom and John getting older, I'm just more conscious of the fact that tomorrow isn't guaranteed and the need to be thankful for and appreciate today to the fullest.

Feeling...happy, content, fulfilled.

A couple of giggles about the time change...

Have a great week, everyone!

Friday, November 4, 2022

Saturday 9: New Attitude

Saturday 9: New Attitude (1984)

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) In this song, Patti Labelle sings that she feels good from her hat to her shoes. Do you often wear hats or caps?  Very rarely. Usually only when I'm mowing grass in the summer and it's always a ball cap with my ponytail pulled through the back.
2) The lyrics tell us that Patti's worries are few. Is anything particular bothering you as you answer these questions?  Not really. Life is pretty good.
3) The video for this song takes place in a high-end boutique. What's the most recent article of new clothing you bought, and where did you buy it?  Ha! I just bought a pair of Timberland Pro workboots tonight (Friday) at M&M Leathers, which is a motorcycle shop. I bought men's rather than women's so there is a lot more room in the toe box. The soles feel great, really cushiony. I'm hoping they will prove to be a big help with the pain my new job causes me. I love working with the developmentally disabled and the work is fun and keeps you busy all day so the time passes quickly, but man, do my feet HURT at the end of the day!

4) In 2019, a street in Philadelphia was renamed "Patti LaBelle Way." At the ceremony, she was referred to as "The Godmother of Soul." Do you have godparents? If yes, tell us about them.  I don't have any. It's not something the church I grew up in believed in.
5) Patti dropped out of high school during her senior year. When she was in her mid-30s, she went to night school and earned her diploma. Do you have any diplomas or certificates framed and displayed in your home or office?  No. I don't really go for that. I'd rather have pretty paintings or something on the walls.
6) Patti was once engaged to Otis Williams, founder of the Motown super group The Temptations. Who is your favorite Motown recording artist? (Here is a list.)  It's probably a tie between the Commodores and Lionel Ritchie as a solo artist.
7) A diabetic herself, Patti has volunteered her time to organizations that fight the disease. Do you know anyone currently dealing with diabetes?  Quite a few someones, actually.
8) In 1984, when this song was popular, Angela Lansbury premiered in Murder, She Wrote, a show still seen in reruns today. Were you a fan?  I did like it back in the day.

9) Random question: What's your secret to a good night's sleep?  Being really tired and then taking Tylenol PM before bed. 

Thanks as always to Sam for the music and questions.
Play along here.

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Simple Woman's Daybook & Thoughts About Pets

November. The leaves are nearly all gone now, the days are shorter, temperatures are cooler...though not cold through the day...and holidays are looming. I am in my glory. Today puts us right smack in the middle of my favorite two months of the year.

It puts me in a minority, but I love the early darkness. It's all so cozy. Families come together inside, meals are hearty and comforting, and homes look so happy with golden light showing through their windows. It's the season to start pulling out puzzles and boardgames and wonderfully written books and Hallmark's Christmas movies have begun to give us all the feels. It's a time of peace and calm before the hectic frenzy of the Christmas season begins. It is the season of giving thanks.
Gratitude can transform common days into Thanksgivings, turn routine jobs into joy, and change ordinary opportunities into blessings.  ~ William Arthur Ward

Just for today... 

Outside my window is a gray, rainy day. It is, however, relatively warm for November at 62 degrees. (he forecast says we will see 77 degrees on Saturday! I imagine many will take advantage of it to put up their Christmas lights.) The grass is still very green and I've heard neighbors mowing theirs as recently as this past Sunday. The trees are mostly bare, just a few holdouts here and there. Mom's enormous Catalpa has dropped its leaves and carpeted the yard ankle deep.

I'm thinking about my new job. As it turns out, I am only training on the computer and reading manuals this week, which isn't terribly exciting, but it's interesting and I got to meet some of the consumers (disabled adults) who work there. They have all been sweet and happy to meet me. Next week I will begin training on the floor, learning how to do my actual job...which is a combination of supervisor, customer service, and direct care worker. I'm really looking forward to it.

Also, our niece is on my mind. She is the mother of the boy I've shared about who has the disease that destroys brain matter. I can't tell you the whole, long, proper name of it. They refer to it as ALD. Getting back to our niece, she found out today that she is the carrier, so now her mom has to be tested to see if it came through her or our late brother-in-law. It is not as serious if it shows up in adulthood and not as serious for females as it is for males. In females it shows up as stiff legs, back pain, joint pain, bladder and bowel problems...which can sometimes result in incontinence. 

Because of the strong genetic factor our daughter is going to get tested because everything she has been experiencing are generally the female symptoms of ALD.

I'm enjoying the "new" furniture I bought at Saturday's auction. I love making the house cozier and as a bonus, the money went to a local church's mission fund.

I already shared a photo of the sectional yesterday, but I thought you'd like to see that it's pet approved.

Yesterday my daughter and I picked up the oak table, 2 boards, and 6 chairs. I didn't know it at the time, but it is a Tom Seely set. I have to clean some paint off the table, but I still got a great deal. Until I have time to work on it...a tablecloth will hide a multitude of sins.

In the kitchen I have been sort of missing in action the last few days. Life has been busy and we've grabbed meals on the go. I did cook tonight. Baked pork chops, sauteed asparagus with garlic and pepper, and cheesy mashed potatoes.

At work I am not yet "on the floor." I read manuals all day today and tomorrow I will be on the computer doing trainings and taking tests all day. Thursday and Friday will be more of the same. Next Monday should be my first day of training to actually do the job.

I'm looking forward to Saturday. The client I see from my old job is back from spending most of October in Texas and I am spending some time with her in the morning. A friend from high school is taking me to Crumpets, the local tea shop, in the afternoon. The weather promises to be beautiful with a high temperature of at least 75 degrees. It's going to be a great day!

I got wrangled into designing a turkey in disguise for our grandson. It's for school, though I'm not really clear what for beyond that. Our daughter claimed no crafty genes and said I had to save the day. I created, but I made her do the cutting and coloring. Here's what we came up with.

Now, even though I'm super late, here are my answers to the Tuesday 4 questions about pets.

1. Do you have pets?  I have two at the moment (my husband lays no claim to either one...he's not really a pet person). I posted the picture of them on the sofa above. Daisy is a 10 year old Toy Poodle and Jasper is a 1 year old Maine Coon Cat.

2. Did you have a pet growing up? Tell us about it, please.  I've ALWAYS had animals around. In my youngest days I lived with my grandparents. They had Fella, an English Springer Spaniel that had been my mom's, and Cokey, a mutt. Both of them were outside dogs. Fella could be a bit grumpy, but Cokey was a good dog except for being terrified of thunderstorms. I once had him in the house on a leash during a storm and he took off running, dragging me with him...right under my grandmother and her just poured cup of tea. I ended up with a big second degree burn on my arm.

Once Mom married and my dad adopted me we got a Collie named Prince. He was beautiful but really hyper and we never kept him in the house. Next we got a Miniature Poodle. She was a miserable, mean thing given to having seizures. She HATED kids, so she hated me until I was 17 or 18. We grew up together, though, and I was pretty sad when she died at 17 after I was married and living in Florida.

I had a tiny turtle for a while and lots of tropical fish. And of course when we lived in the wildlife preserve I made pets of lots of animals...white-tail deer, a Flicker, a chipmunk, and a ferret.

3. Are pets too much trouble, or, do you find neigbors' pets to be a problem?  Pets can be inconvenient if you travel and they can be irritating at times, but mostly I think they are worth the effort. A house doesn't feel like a home to me without at least one furry prowling around.

This is my view as I'm trying to type this.

Pretty much all of my neighbors have dogs. I'm surrounded by a giant Bernedoodle, a pair of pugs, a herd of Shih tzu mixes, a Golden Retriever, our daughter's mutt, and my mom's Schnauzer. Mom's dog is the only one that bugs me. It barks incessantly...and runs away every chance it gets so we all have to drop everything and chase her for hours.

4. Do you think dogs make good housemates, watchdogs? Do you think women living alone need a dog for security or companionship? If they are trained, dogs absolutely make good housemates and yes, they can warn you when someone is around, but in my opinion an actual watchdog is a working dog and may or may not make a good companion. I don't think a woman needs a dog for security. There are plenty of other options. Personally, I have guns and in a home invasion they would be way more helpful than my dog. If a woman is lonely, then sure, get a dog or a cat, either can be good company.


I am Thinking... that getting a new phone and getting things set up is a royal pain. It's all through Google and over the years I'v...