Saturday, August 31, 2024

August Happiness Challenge, Day 31

I made it to the end of the challenge! I knew this month would be busy so I nearly didn't commit to the challenge. I did pretty well, too. I doubled up a couple of times, but I think I only missed one day completely.

Anyway, this final day has been a happy day. 

Tim and I began by going to get blood work done first thing this morning. I had to fast for mine. He didn't, but he skipped breakfast anyway so we could eat together afterward. From breakfast we went on to Sam's Club where we went to kill some time. We picked up a few items we use and found a cool Army play set for our grandson that we'll put away for his birthday or Christmas (both are in Dec.). Then it was on to the pool store for everything we need to winterize the pool and close it up.

When we got home our grandson came to stay with us while his parents and sister went to a big craft show at the fairgrounds. He finally got me to watch Disney's Avatar. I've resisted all these years thinking it wasn't something I'd like at all, so I was surprised by how much I did like it. It was very good and I've promised to watch the next one with him soon. Tim took a nap while our grandson was here. That little bit of running around we did wiped him out. I am praying next week's procedure will help him feel better than he has in a long, long time.

We're just relaxing now. Him with an action movie and me with the computer and then some reading. It's a good time to hunker down. It's hot, gray, still, and close outside. We are under a severe storm watch until later this evening. We need the rain, but I could live without a bad storm.

Anyway, it's a good day. A happy day.

Saturday 9: Morning Train

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) In this song, Sheena Easton sings about her lover, who takes a train to and from work each day. When is the last time you took public transportation? Where did you go?  Public transportation isn't really a thing in my life. I couldn't even guess when I last took it.

2) His workday begins at 9 and ends at 5. Do your days stick to a predictable schedule?  For the most part. I leave home at 7:00 A.M., my work starts at 8:00 and ends at 3:00. I am home by 3:30-4:00 unless I am with the older man I do companion work with. Then it can be anywhere from 6:00-9:00 before I get home. It depends on what we do. Thankfully, I am only with him 5 hours per week. 

3) In the evening she sings that they may go to a movie, a restaurant or slow dancing ... whatever she wants. Which of those would you choose?  Probably a movie.

4) As a little girl, Sheena Easton performed at family gatherings, not just because she was talented but because she could be a bit of a ham. When you were a kid, were more often shy or outgoing?  I was more outgoing, at least with family.

5) In the late 1980s she was the spokeswoman for Bally's health clubs. Do you have a gym membership?  Hahahahahaha....NO!

6) In 1987 she played Sonny Crockett's love interest on Miami Vice. Were you a fan of the show?  No, I never got into it.

7) This weekend is a good reason to have a picnic or barbecue. The best-selling barbecue sauce flavors are sweet, spicy, and smoky. What's your favorite?  We mostly use Original Sweet Baby Ray's and for a while I really liked a sweet apple sauce that Guy Fieri had. I can't find it anywhere now.

8) Labor Day weekend may offer a golden opportunity for napping and sleeping in. Do you snore?  Tim says I do. He lies.

9) Labor Day traditionally marks the beginning of the fall. Will you be adding any new fall clothes to your wardrobe?  I've already started. I've bought a few cute outfits, jeans, a sweater, and a cozy, plaid, flannel duster. 

Thanks, as always, goes to Sam for the music and questions.

Join in the fun here.

Friday, August 30, 2024

August Happiness Challenge, Days 29 & 30

I apologize for missing a few days. Life has been a little busy.

DAY 29 - The cardiologist they set Tim up with was really on the ball. Not only did he see Tim right away, he worked to get his insurance to approve the neccessary procedure so we can move forward quickly. (That turns out to be kind of important because Tim has severe blockage in several areas.) It makes me happy that we only have to wait until September 9th for Tim to have a heart catheterization and possibly have stents put in at the same time. He actually could have gone September 3rd, but that wouldn't have given him time to get blood work and other things done.

DAY 30 - It's Friday and I have 3 days off from work!

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

August Happiness Challenge, Day 27


Today I am happy and thanking you for your prayers because they found a cardiologist who will see Tim tomorrow (Wednesday) morning!

Monday, August 26, 2024

August Happiness Challenge, Day 26

It's you! All of you guys with your words of wisdom, thoughts, and prayers make me happy. Thank you!

I am feeling a lot better today. Well, mood-wise I am. Physically, my foot and ankle are killing me. I have tendonitis again. It flared up over the weekend and I've been wearing a brace and babying it, but so far it's not helping. I know it takes time. I just have to be patient...and we all know that is not a strong point with me. 

Tim had his test this morning. We don't know any details yet beyond the fact that there is blockage. We don't know where it is or how severe it is. Our doctor's PA is trying to get him an appointment with a cardiologist. So far she found one with an opening in late December and another with an opening in February! She is going to keep trying tomorrow to find him something sooner. That's all we know. I'll update you when I know more. 

Sunday, August 25, 2024

August Happiness Challenge, Day 25

I'm trying very hard today, but so far happiness is eluding me. I guess we all have and deserve to have our down days, but I hate them. I hate the weariness and sadness. The lethargy and apathy. The feeling I've wasted a day.

Part of today's mood is brought on by feeling a bit overwhelmed. There is so much that needs doing. In my younger days, when I didn't have pain as a constant companion, I would have been on top of things. I could multi-task like a pro. I HATE that things get away from me now. Or rather that they got away from me. Back in January when I was so sick, I just couldn't deal with anything. Tim didn't deal with anything, either. Everyone else was staying away so they didn't get sick.

I try, but I can't get ahead. With Tim feeling as bad as he does most of the time, he just doesn't do even the minimum. Everything he uses will end up sitting somewhere. He leaves dishes all over. Dirty clothes are left in the bathroom, the living room, the bedroom...everywhere but the hamper. I know he feels awful. Today he slept probably 90% of the day. I have no idea how he manages to get through his days at work. That doesn't make it any less frustrating for me, though.

Tomorrow morning he goes to Pittsburgh for the cardio-pulmonary testing. He was scheduled to go to a different place earlier this month but some number they look at was at 25 for him. So, he has to go to the hospital and have a doctor present. If his sister is correct, the number means his heart function is severely affected. I believe she is. He is in rough shape. I've told him I won't be surprised if they admit him. He is poo-pooing it all.

No one is going with Tim. I can't take off work. Our daughter has to get the kids off to school (first day and all), he wouldn't want my mom along, and none of his family is around. He says he is going straight to work after the test.

So, yeah, my mood is kind of in the toilet today. 

If anything makes me happy it's that I do know God is in control and He will see me through today and tomorrow is a fresh day.

Saturday, August 24, 2024

August Happiness Challenge, Day 24

I spent a big part of today with my daughter and granddaughter. 

They took me to a big garage sale this morning where I scored a like-new Vera Bradley bag for $3 and found a whole storage tub full of luau decorations...perfect for the big luau we are having at work next month. My department has been hand making most of the decorations, but this will be a welcome addition. 

After the garage sale we spent the day shopping for back-to-school clothes for the kids. I enjoyed the day with my girls and it made me happy to be able to help out by buying the clothes.

Friday, August 23, 2024

Saturday 9 & A Happy Moment

August Happiness Challenge

Today's happy moment came when my supervisor assigned me the task of watering the flower baskets on the light poles in the town's shopping district. Nomally it's a painful task that leaves me hurting the whole weekend. Today I had to walk along, but I was able to take an 18-year-old staffer with me to pull the water tank. My feet and ankles are hurting, but nothing like normal.

Saturday 9: Sh-Boom 

The older man I do companion work with LOVES doo-wop music. He can tell you more about the genre than you'd ever care to know. Trust me. Anyway, I'm very familiar with the song.

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) 70 years ago this month, the Crew Cuts were singing that life could be a dream. When you awaken, can you recall your dreams?  It's a rare thing for me to remember my dreams and when I do, they tend to be really, really weird.

2) The lead singer refers to his girl as "darling," "sweetheart" and "baby." Have you used an affectionate endearment lately? If yes, who were you speaking to?  I think I called a client at work "honey."

3) Two members of this Canadian quartet are brothers, born 15 months apart. Do you have siblings? If yes, how close in age are you?  I have 3 half-siblings. They are all younger than me. The oldest is 2 years younger and the youngest is 8 years younger.

4) A hit in Toronto, the Crew Cuts traveled by car to appear on TV in New York. How are your wheels? Would you give your vehicle a tune up before embarking on a 1,000 mile (500 miles each way) road trip?  If I was doing it now, no. I just had it inspected this week. In general, though, I'd normally have it checked out before a big trip.

5) In 54 and 55, they had five Top 10 hits. Then the Crew Cuts fell off the charts. Founding member Rudi Maugeri suspects it's because they were a "teen act" and teenage music tastes can change fast. Who did you listen to when you were in high school?  My musical tastes were eclectic even then. I listened to everything from Shaun Cassidy to Fleetwood Mac to Alabama to AC/DC.

6) A well-maintained crew cut should be trimmed every 2-4 weeks. Is there an appointment with a hairstylist on your calendar?  No. I just cancelled one on the 7th because I'm thinking about letting my hair grow a bit longer again.

Let's look at the summer of 1954.

7) 70 years ago, Chicago Bears great Walter Payton was born. Today more than 1200 students are enrolled in Chicago's Walter Payton College Preparatory High School. Was your high school named after anyone?  No.

8) J.R.R. Tolkien's Fellowship of the Rings was published. It's the first of three volumes in the Lord of the Rings trilogy. Have you read the books and/or seen the movies?  I've seen all the movies, but have only read The Hobbit.

9) Sports Illustrated was first published. As a special promotion, the premier issue included baseball cards. With the introduction of online communities and trading apps, collecting baseball cards continues to grow in popularity. Are there any card collectors in your life?  No.

Thanks to Sam for the music and questions!

Play along at the Saturday 9.

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

August Happiness Challenge, Days 20 & 21

Day 20's happiness was new portraits of the grandkids. Colt refused to be in more than a couple of them, but the photographer did a great job with those. Leah...well, she was telling the photographer where and how she wanted to pose. Might be a budding model?

Happiness on Day 21 comes from getting my car inspected after work. It's good to know it's safe and ready to go for another year.

Monday, August 19, 2024

August Happiness Challenge, Day 19

The state recently changed the rules and all of the agencies with programs like the one I work for are scrambling. There used to be funding for community outings that helped the consumers integrate into the community. Now the state says unless the outings are strictly community service, no funding.

The problems with this new rule are many. For one thing, we (and the other agencies) run day programs. There are not a lot of volunteer opportunities between the hours of 9:30-1:30. Then there are the consumers themselves, at least at the agency I am at. We have a few high functioning ones, but many are lower. They can't always do what's available. Finally, there are still prejudices out there and we run into organizations who don't want "those kind" of people.

Today I contacted one of my former bosses from the nursing home (not the one that drove me to quit) who is also an old friend. We messaged back and forth and I think we've come up with something they can do. I'm so excited and can't wait to talk to my boss about it. I'm so happy I could do something to help.

Sunday, August 18, 2024

August Happiness Challenge, Days 17 & 18

Tim and I drove to Erie yesterday and spent the night, coming home today. We went so Tim could see Sally, the sister who was in the wreck, and Karen, his sister from Alabama. Karen had originally come up to help Sally move into her new home, but ended up being a big help to Sally's daughter as she navigates this whole mess. 

We ended up helping unpack some of Sally's things when we got there and enjoyed a bit of visiting with the family when terrible storms rolled through and we were stuck until they were over. The power went out and stayed out for several hours. Sally's basement got wet, but there was no damage. 

We didn't get to visit with Sally as long as we'd hoped because of the delay from the storms and then we had to leave to meet up with everyone for a different restaurant from the one we'd planned to go to because of the power outage. After dinner (it was 8:30) Tim and I opted to go back to our hotel because it was back in Erie while everyone else was at either Sally's house or her daughter's, about 40 minutes west of Erie.

Today we checked out of our hotel early, had breakfast at Bob Evans, stopped at a favorite farm market, and then got on the interstate to head home.

We stopped once more to shop for lunch supplies for the week and finally got home around 4:00.

I'm happy we saw Sally and she is doing (relatively) well. 

I'm happy Tim got to spend time with family he rarely sees.

I'm happy there was no serious damage to Sally's house.

I'm happy to be home.

Friday, August 16, 2024

August Happiness Challenge, Day 16


As usual, there were many moments of happiness to choose from today, but the one I've decided to share didn't take place until around 8:00 this evening. 

After another birthday dinner with my mom and stepdad, Tim and I stopped at Walmart on our way home. While we were inside there was a very intense, but brief, rain storm. When we exited the store I heard the woman behind me say "Rainbow!" Sure enough, when I looked over in the direction the storm was heading there was a gorgeous rainbow with very vivid colors. I think it was the first time I've ever seen the purple in a rainbow. It was breathtaking against the black clouds. It lasted quite a while, too.

The rainbow after the storm, a symbol of God's promise to mankind, reminded me of His love for us...and that made me very happy, indeed.

Thursday, August 15, 2024

August Happiness Challenge, Day 15

Today is my birthday. I turned the big 6-0. There is so much that made me happy today.

1. I had the day off.

2. Waking up to find Tim had left me a card and some scratch-off lottery tickets.

3. I won $60 on one.

4. I took my mom to Crumpett's, a local tea shop, where we enjoyed lunch with a pot of birthday tea that smelled and tasted just like birthday cake!

5. We walked around the town and browsed through most of the shops. It was a beautiful day and we had fun talking to other shoppers and greeting all their pups, as well.

6. The grands called me and sang to me several times and gave me hugs and kisses and birthday wishes at least 3 times.

7. Tim came home early and took me out to dinner.

8. I got about 100 birthday messages on Facebook.

9. I finally got my new house plants potted.

10. We made hotel reservations for Saturday night in Erie. We'll drive up Saturday morning to see Tim's sister, Sally, and visit with his sister from Alabama for a bit. Sally, by the way, is doing really well considering all she's been through. She's been sitting up on the side of the bed and going to therapy. Adjusting the meds seems to have helped a good bit.

It's been a very happy day! 

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

August Happiness Challenge, Days 12, 13 & 14

Here I am playing catch-up once again. August seems to be a busy month...or at least this week is.

Day 12
 was our daughters first day on a new caregiving job. After work I went grocery shopping with her and the kiddos then kept the kids while she went back for the evening hours. Tim got home earlier than usual and we had the kids until 9:30. Colt helped Pappy change the oil in his truck and they had supper and played outside until dark. They were good as gold and we loved every minute of our time with them.

Monday was also Tim's eldest sister's 70th birthday. She is the one that was in the terrible accident last Friday. There wasn't a celebration, but we are all very happy she was still around to mark the day.

Day 13 wasn't very eventful, but a moment at the end of my work day made me smile. The young autistic guy I've talked about suddenly yelled my name out of the blue (I wasn't even working with him yesterday). When I asked him "what?" He yelled, "I love you!" Awww...

I was also happy to finally get a call late last evening to let us know Tim's sister was finally out of surgery and it had gone well. She has several plates and pins holding her pelvis together and a long road ahead, but she is still here and she is a fighter. She has already beaten a stroke and breast cancer.

Day 14 was a good day. I am off work tomorrow for my birthday so my coworkers blessed me with cupcakes and gifts today. Today was also the birthday of a client I connected with right from the beginning. She is one year and one day older than me and she grew up in New Mexico, a place dear to my heart. She is declining rather rapidly these days and it breaks my heart. Today I gave her a necklace of mine made of turquoise beads and silver to remind her of New Mexico and me. It made her cry and she showed it to everyone all day long. 

So, those are some happy moments from this week. Tomorrow should be filled to overflowing with happy moments. I can't wait!

Sunday, August 11, 2024

August Happiness Challenge, Day 11 (and a prayer request)

The grandchildren stayed over last night so we got a later start today...if you can really call it starting. I did go to the store for the grocery items we need for lunches this week, but otherwise, it's been a lazy day. I've had nothing more pressing to do than watch Hallmark mysteries and read. Sometimes you just need some time to do nothing and today has made me happy.

***In other things, please pray for Tim's oldest sister, Sally. 

On Friday, she was in the process of moving from an apartment to a cute little house her daughter and son-in-law bought and fixed up for her. She was making a trip between homes and had her step-son (nearly 60, who lives with her and has health issues) in the car with her when someone ran a stop sign at an intersection and unable to stop, Sally t-boned the other car. Totaling her car in the process.

The step-son has a huge wound on his leg that will likely require a wound vac and eventually skin grafting. Sally had her foot on the brake and the impact drove her thigh/hip bone up through her pelvis, shattering one side and fracturing the other. She also has 3 broken ribs, one of which is dislocated. She is in the hospital in traction. Surgery is going to be required, probably sometime this week, but they needed time to stabilize her and plan how to do it. Last night we got a call that she was being moved to ICU because her breathing was not good. They put her on a bi-pap and gave her breathing treatments. As of this morning she was responding well to that. Good news as they were mentioning a respirator if she didn't. 

If all goes well she is looking at at least 6-12 weeks of not being able to put any weight on it. So instead of moving into her new home, she'll be going to a nursing home for rehab. What will happen to the step-son, we don't know. Sally's daughter will most likely be responsible for the decisions and care of both. The whole family needs prayers for healing, wisdom and strength.

We also don't know anything about the condition of the other driver.

Saturday, August 10, 2024

August Happiness Challenge, Days 8, 9 & 10

On Day 8 it made me happy to take the man I do companion work with to his Lion's Club dinner meeting at the country club. I got to listen to the reports of all the good works these men do and enjoy a good meal in a lovely setting.

Day 9 brought Tropical Storm Debby to our area. She didn't amount to much here, but she did bring us a much needed rainy day and that made me very happy...because I didn't have to trudge around town pulling a water tank to water the flower baskets in the historic district. Someone volunteered our consumers to do it, but the truth of the matter is it's the staff that does most of the work. It's good publicity, I suppose, but I loathe it as it usually leaves me in pain for a few days. So, yeah, not having to do it left me pretty darn happy.

Today I'm happy because I got to spend lots of time with my favorite little people. This afternoon I took them for frozen custard because it was as perfect a summer day as you could ask for. 

After that treat, they helped me pick out some new house plants at the nursery. Tonight, we took them to see the new Harold and the Purple Crayon movie (go see's wonderful!) and they are spending the night.

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

August Happiness Challenge, Day 7

I apologize if you're my friend on Facebook and have seen this already, but the fact is, I love my job and derive a great deal of satisfaction and happiness from it and the people I work with.

Most of us on the ATF (adult training facility) staff have one day each week where we are responsible for planning the lessons and activities for the day. Most of us put a good bit of effort into it hoping to make it something special for the consumers. As you can imagine, some things are huge hits...others, not so much.

Today was my day and I chose fairy tales as the theme. We learned about fairy tales and watched a few on You Tube. Then I showed them how to create very vivid watercolor pictures with washable markers, a couple of squirts of water, some foil, and a coloring page. During exercise time we did the "rainbow disco unicorn dance." Then I gave each group a different building material...old-fashioned wooden blocks, foam blocks, kinetic sand...and tasked them with building a castle together. Every 15 minutes we switched up the building materials so everyone got to try each one. To my surprise they LOVED that. Later the worksheets were fairy tale themed and we had some fun with Mad Libs that retold fairy tales.

It was a great day that they enjoyed and that not only makes me happy, it fills me with joy to see them having fun.

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Happiness Challenge, Day 6

You know I love books, so the cause of today's happiness should be no surprise. I came home to find the new book from one of my favorite authors had arrived. New book = happy me!

Monday, August 5, 2024

Happy Times Two

Oops! I missed posting yesterday so I've got a little bit of making up to do.

Yesterday was Day 4 of the Happiness Challenge and it was a good day. Tim and I were lazy all morning and then I spent the afternoon with our daughter and granddaughter. We drove to Monroeville to look at all the fall and Halloween decorations at HomeGoods and At Home. We had so much fun activating all the animated decorations and being silly. We got some pretty fall decorations, too.

Today, Day 5, I'm happy because I realized about halfway through the day that I wasn't in pain from inflammation. I've been taking Force Factor's turmeric chews the last couple of days. Is it possible they are working?

It also made me happy to watch the grands enjoying a night swim this evening.

What's making you happy?

Saturday, August 3, 2024

August Happiness Challenge: Day 3

Today I got to spend a few hours with my grandchildren, just me and them. They are growing up so fast and I just love them and who they are becoming. Watching them and listening to them is, to me, seeing God's handiwork...and that makes me very happy.

Friday, August 2, 2024

August Happiness Challenge: Day 2

Well, it's music for the win again today.

It was an odd day at work and many of those we work with didn't come in. I ended up having only one young man in my group. It was just the two of us. He is one of my favorites (though they are all favorites). He's a young guy, big and strong...something of a bull in a china shop. He's also autistic so his interactions with others can be hard. 

I was the first person my boy connected with at work. I'm still the one he comes to most often when he wants human connection. He likes hugs from me and holds my hand a lot. And every now and then he just blows me away with something.

Today, out of the blue, he started singing. His voice was pure and clear and it was a lovely song. Everyone stopped to listen and applauded him when he was done.

Thursday, August 1, 2024

August Happiness Challenge

It's become an annual tradition to join in this challenge because it's so much fun. Thanks to Gal for inviting us to play along. 

Day 1

There are plenty of things in a day that make me happy, but today I choose to share a simple thing. 

Driving to work, a forgotten but much loved song comes on the radio, and singing along for all I'm worth, not caring who's looking.

What made you happy today? 


I am... Reading... The Cinnamon Bun Bookstore,  book two in the Dream Harbor  series by Laurie Gilmore. Watching... nothing. The televisio...